Will Alexa work if my phone is not in the house?- Itm lab

Itm Lab
2 min readAug 28, 2023

Alexa, the voice-activated virtual assistant built into many smart speakers, can do a lot of things. But one thing it can’t do is work without a phone. That’s right: if your phone isn’t connected to the Alexa app on your Echo device while you’re using it, Alexa won’t be able to hear you ask her questions or play music from Spotify. So what happens if your smartphone runs out of battery? Can you still use Alexa? Here’s everything you need to know about making sure that doesn’t happen — and what happens if it does anyway!

Yes, as long as you have a cell phone with data

Yes, you can use Alexa even if your phone is not in the house. The only thing you need is a cell phone with data. If you don’t have one, it’s not a problem–you can still set up and use Alexa by connecting to Wi-Fi or via Ethernet cable (if available).

To get started with setting up your Echo device for the first time with an iPhone:

1 — Go to https://alexa.amazon.com/alexa-app on your computer browser, then click “Download” next to “Get Started Now”. This will take you to the App Store where there should be an app called “Amazon Shopping” ready for download if it hasn’t already been installed on your device; download this app first before moving onto step 2 below!

No, Alexa can’t work without a phone.

To use Alexa, you need a phone with data and internet access. You also need to be able to hear Alexa’s responses and speak to her in order for her to understand what you want her to do.

If one of those things is missing, then your Echo device won’t work properly–or at all!

If you have an Alexa device, but don’t have a cell phone with data, then Alexa won’t work.

You can use your phone’s hotspot to connect to the internet, but in order for that to happen, you need a cellular plan with data that allows tethering (which most do).

With Alexa, you can use voice commands to control your smart home and access thousands of skills. You don’t need a phone nearby for Alexa to work, but if you do want access to some features then it’s best to keep your phone with you at all times.

For more information visit: Will Alexa work if my phone is not in the house?- Itm lab



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