Use the thermal cycler function


The thermal cycler is a sophisticated laboratory instrument designed to facilitate the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process, a fundamental technique in molecular biology used to amplify and replicate DNA sequences. The thermal cycler plays a crucial role in automating this process by precisely controlling the temperature changes required for each step of the PCR reaction.

Q-Gene Thermal Cyclers: Capacity: 16-times-0–2-ml, 4-times-4-layout; Tube: 0–2-ml, single-tube; Temperature Range: 4-to-100; For more, visit!

The PCR process involves three main steps: denaturation, annealing, and extension. During denaturation, the DNA sample is heated to a high temperature (typically around 94–98°C). This causes the double-stranded DNA to separate into two single strands. Next, during annealing, the temperature is lowered (usually to around 50–65°C), allowing short DNA primers to bind specifically to complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA. Finally, during extension, the temperature is raised (around 72°C), and a DNA polymerase enzyme synthesizes new DNA strands using the primers as a starting point



Labozon Scientific Inc.

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