How I write my articles on Medium

The D.O.E.P. technique

Jeffrey Jones
3 min readFeb 21, 2024
Photo by Pexels on pixabay

The D.O.E.P. technique is a technique that I have created myself to optimize my writing style and save time.

It has helped me to immensely increase my productivity and help me write almost an article each day in a row.

The D.O.E.P technique:-

D:- Dump

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on pexels

Pick a topic and write down absolutely everything you know about this topic that you have chosen.

The order doesn’t matter, the idea is to just write down whatever you know.

O:- Organize

Photo by cottonbro studio on pexels

Now create a chronological order of what you are trying to write.

For example, start with a brief introduction, then link it to a personal story and then link it to your main point and end all of this with a succinct summary and CTA (call for action).

Make it logically coherent and have a clear and concise structure.

E:- Embellish

Photo by Ena Marinkovic on pexels
  • Varied writing style — Exploit medium text features.
  • Storytelling — Make the story more human-like by adding some sort of personal story.
  • Less paragraphy — Our brains are hooked to short form content.
  • Pictures — Visual stimuli at regular intervals or new topics to hook the readers.
  • Simplicity and intuitiveness of the article — Avoid too many technical terms and strive to make it easily comprehended by a wider audience.
  • Literary devices — Use metaphors, onomatopoeias, especially when storytelling to make it more engaging.

P:- Publish

Photo by Daria Obymaha on pexels

Publish in:-

  1. Publication or
  2. By yourself on your page

How the D.O.E.P. technique helped me:-

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels

After implementing the D.O.E.P technique, it helped me de-stress my life.

I just dedicate a mere 1 hour and I already finish 2 articles by that time. Not only it de-stresses but also saves something even more precious than money:-time.



Jeffrey Jones

All about Psychology, Science, Technology, and the Future with an extra topping of Philosophy. On a mission to bring another scientific revolution.