How Good Is Amazon Translate?

Eden Hare
The Startup
Published in
9 min readAug 30, 2020


As part of my Medium article An Overview of Amazon Translate, one of the questions is how good is Amazon Translate? It isn’t possible without a lot of time to check all 55 supported languages, so I am focusing on

  • English to Spanish;
  • Spanish to English;
  • English to French; and,
  • French to English.

I used one of the paragraphs in this article for this text. The paragraph reads:

"Another example is real-time translation for support and help-desk services.  Users are not limited by their knowledge of the language your corporation uses. A Spanish speaking user (for example) can type in Spanish, the text is translated to English using Amazon Translate and displayed to the support agent. The support agent can then respond in English and the text is then translated to Spanish.  Any text communication could be processed using Amazon Translate before sending it to the desired audience."

This text was translated to both French and Spanish and provided the reviewers.

English to French

The French text as translated by Amazon Translate reads:

"Un autre exemple est la traduction en temps réel pour les services d'assistance et d'assistance. Les utilisateurs ne sont pas limités par leur connaissance de la langue utilisée par votre entreprise. Un utilisateur parlant espagnol (par exemple) peut taper en espagnol, le texte est traduit en



Eden Hare
The Startup

Eden is the co-author of seven books and author of more than 100 articles and book chapters in technical, management, and information security publications.