Ebay deleting accounts accidentally today?

Richard Juan
2 min readMay 26, 2018


Just append to me.

WTF! they deleted my account? quick let’s connect and see what’s happening!!!…

Wait a minute? Am I being hacked and the hacker need my password or some old cookie stored on my phone? after all Ihaven’t updated my phone in a long time, maybe it’s corrupted…

Let’s connect from a trusted device over a trusted browser and see “what is what”. Let’s go on gmail and see the certificate and domain of the email sender.

Seems legit to me… Let’s connect to ebay.com … looks like everything is OK… Wait, it’s in french… maybe, like amazon it’s tow different domain.

The french website connect OK and everything is good.

Looking at the security advice from Ebay the email should contain my name and nickname. witch it doesn't. it’s between fishy and legit… let’s contact them in order to be sure.

BTW: They have a nice contact tree that redirect you nicely with a nice authentication system that save time during the phone call.

Calling them lead me to a guy nicely telling me that he see the email, it’s unfortunate that he didn’t include the username and full name.

He say’s that: “it’s an accident and it happened to a lot a people today”.

Still i’m not sure that my phone wasn’t corrupted and that it’s not the hacker who middled the call and faked the eBay guy. then again it should be someone who is able to send emails as ebay.com witch is unlikely.

Maybe i’m paranoid but to be sure if it append to you let me know, i’ll be looking on the internet to see if it append to other :p

