Diagnostic Tests for Different Type of Skin Rashes

Lab Work Service
3 min readJul 12, 2017


Skin rash is quite common. It usually happens as a result of the inflammation of the skin, wherein the color and texture of the skin changes and red bumps are formed. These red bumps are itchy, irritating and painful as well. Usually, a skin allergy causes the development of rashes, which if not treated timely, can turn into a life-threatening infection.

Lab Testing and Phlebotomy Services Maryland

Dermatologists (skin specialists) are best equipped to diagnose and treat most rashes, especially those that require biopsy or special tests. The labs specializing in lab testing and phlebotomy services in Maryland or your local area conduct the below-enlisted laboratory and special examinations which are useful in the diagnosis of rash.

· Blood tests such as antinuclear antibody (ANA) to look for lupus, complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests (LFT) to look for rashes related to hepatitis, and thyroid function tests;

· Blood test for EBV (mono) or a rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or other blood tests for syphilis may be appropriate;

· Skin biopsy wherein a small skin sample or scraping sent for microscopic examination. Patch test to determine contact allergies;

· Sometimes, the rashes which come and go can be diagnosed using high-quality digital pictures;

· For fungus along with microscopic examination of a scraping of skin a test with potassium hydroxide can also be done;

There are many types of skin rashes. Some of these are explained below:-

The First in the List is ECZEMA — Eczema is an umbrella term under which are covered many different types of conditions related to the skin — inflamed, scaly, red, and itchy. This skin disease majorly affects children. Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common types of Eczema.

The symptoms of the same include scaly and dry patches on the forehead, face and scalp. These patches, sometimes, form bumps and even discharge fluid. Atopic dermatitis is persistent and even causes the debilitating itching sensation. If Atopic dermatitis develops at a later stage in childhood, the rashes can be spotted near the knees, elbows, neck, ankles, between the legs, and even the wrists. In the case of adults, the condition covers a much larger portion of the body.

The Second in the List is LICHEN PLANUS — Skin rashes that develop in the summer months are the most troublesome, especially if one has Lichen Planus. It’s an infection wherein the rash produces shiny, flat-topped bumps which are, in general, angular in shape and reddish-purplish in color. Lichen Planus, though can develop anywhere on the skin, it’s typically common in areas including the ankles, the lower legs, the back, the neck and the wrists. In some rare cases, people also develop Lichen Planus inside their mouth, hair, nails and the genital region.

The allergy type is most claimed to be incurable in nature, but its symptoms can be treated with anti-itch medicinal products which help in reducing the effect. Light therapy is another treatment recommended in the case the infection becomes uncontrollable.

The Last in the List is PSORIASIS — This type of skin disorder is the most persistent and baffling type. It is characterized by skin cells which reproduce almost 10 times faster than their usual rate. As these underlying cells reach the surface of the skin and decrease, their volume causes the formation of a raised, red plaque, covered with white scales. The condition commonly develops on the elbows, scalp, and the knees. Psoriasis skin allergy symptoms widely vary depending upon the type of disorder one had.

There are three main types of skin allergy treatment for Psoriasis. These are — topical treatment, light therapy, and systemic medications.

Skin blood tests help the doctors diagnose the root cause behind the skin rashes. There are few people who are so much occupied in their hectic work schedules that they are not able to take out time to get their skin blood tests done. For them online lab testing and phlebotomy services in Maryland or their local area are the best option as all they have to do is order the test online, schedule the sample collection at home or office, and thereafter receive the results online.

