Make Monero Wallet CLI recognize your Ledger Nano S — Guide for Ubuntu

2 min readJun 29, 2018


First of, be prepared to work with the command line tool of the Monero wallet. But be not afraid, it shouldn’t be long before to GUI caught up to it.

I found it still a bit troublesome to make the Monero Wallet CLI detect my Ledger, initially all I got was the following error:

Couldn’t open wallet: device not found: Ledger

Good news is, we can fix this. What you will need:

You will need to make the following adjustments to your Linux operating system for the Ledger Nano S to be detected by Ledger Manager as well as the Monero Wallet CLI (Command Line Interface).

Let the system recognize the Ledger properly

Run the following command to add the udev rules for the Ledger to your system. [1]

wget -q -O - | sudo bash

Then install the following packages

sudo apt install pcsc-tools pcscd libpcsclite1:amd64

Now you have to have to add the Nano S to the file /etc/libccid_Info.plist [2]

In <key>ifdVendorID</key> add the entry <string>0x2C97</string>

In <key>ifdProductID</key> add the entry <string>0x0001</string>

In <key>ifdFriendlyName</key> add the entry <string>Ledger Token</string>

Once you have done that, and maybe restarted the computer, your Ledger should be recognized by both the Ledger Manager and the Monero Wallet CLI.

You can now proceed to add the Monero Wallet to your Ledger in the Ledger Manager.

Once that is done, connect the Ledger Nano S, select the Monero Wallet App on your Ledger Nano S Menu. Then, you want to Select “Settings” and switch to “Main Network”

The final step is then to initialize the creation of the wallet by running:

./monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-device <your-wallet-name> --subaddress-lookahead 3:200

For the GUI wallet, you might also have to install the following packages

sudo apt install libhidapi-dev libhidapi-hidraw0 libhidapi-libusb0




I do math things and developer things and bitcoin things