Migrating to GCP: Strategies and Considerations

Amey Laddad
8 min readJun 16, 2024


A strong, scalable cloud infrastructure is becoming more and more necessary for organizations to remain competitive in the ever-changing digital market. Google Cloud Platform is one of the leaders in this field. Establishing migration goals such as cost optimization, improved scalability and performance, reinforced security and compliance, and application modernization is crucial. Although migrating existing apps and data to GCP can seem like an overwhelming process, it is not impossible to do.

To guarantee a seamless migration to any cloud platform without interfering with important jobs demand a lot of planning and implementation. This is a good place to start.

“Cloud migrations are not just about moving data and applications. They’re about transforming your organization, empowering innovation, and embracing the future of digital agility”

Image Created by Dall-E

This article will provide you the knowledge and strategies necessary for a smooth and successful migration to GCP.

Define Your Migration Goals

It’s crucial to establish your migration goals. A clear understanding of your objectives will guide your approach and decision-making throughout the process & will help you aligning your Strategy with Needs.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
  1. Cost Optimization:
    Cloud computing offers the benefit of pay-as-you-go pricing and optimized resource allocation. If cost reduction is a key driver, flexible pricing model can help you control your cloud expenses.
  2. Scalability and Performance:
    Fluctuating workloads and need of high availability can be important driving factors. Migrating to cloud can streamline your ability to scale resources up or down to meet changing demands, leading to improved performance.
  3. Security and Compliance:
    Security is probably the most important aspect in today’s digital age. Features like encryption at rest and in transit, IAM, and DDoS protection etc., ensuring data & infra remains secure, giving you peace of mind. Various compliance standards like HIPAA are met as well, making it suitable for businesses in regulated industries.
  4. Modernization of Applications:
    Cloud offers tools and services to modernize applications by embracing cloud-native principles. This leads to improved maintainability and scalability in the long run. This helps to create a future-proof, cloud-native environment, allowing applications to fully leverage the full potential of the cloud.
  5. Innovation:
    With services like AI and machine learning through BigQuery for data analytics, GCP provides innovation and competitive advantage. This can be one of the main driving factors especially since BigQuery can seamlessly integrate with most the Generative AI tools offered by GCP.

Migration Strategies

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to cloud migration. The optimal strategy depends on your existing infrastructure, application complexity, and desired level of modernization.

(Image Courtesy: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-cloudblog-publish/images/blog-migrationoptions.max-1200x1200.png)

Let’s explore the main migration strategies to consider:

  1. Rehost: lift and shift
    This approach involves migrating your existing applications “as is” to the cloud with minimal modifications. It’s a quick and efficient option for applications already running in a virtualized environment. These workloads don’t take full advantage of cloud platform features, such as horizontal scalability, fine-grained pricing, and highly managed services.
  2. Replatform: lift and optimize
    This strategy involves migrating your applications to cloud while optimizing them to leverage cloud-native features like auto-scaling and containerization. Replatforming offers improved performance and scalability without significant code changes.
  3. Refactor: move and improve
    This approach goes a step further by modifying your applications to adopt cloud-native architecture principles. Refactoring enhances maintainability and scalability for the long term but requires more development effort compared to rehosting or replatforming.
  4. Re-architect: continue to modernize
    This involves a complete overhaul of your application architecture to fully optimize it for the cloud. While it offers the most significant benefits in terms of performance and scalability, re-architecting requires substantial resources and development time.
  5. Rebuild: remove and replace
    This strategy involves completely rebuilding your applications from scratch to take full advantage of GCP’s capabilities. While this offers complete modernization, it requires the most effort and development time.
  6. Repurchase
    A repurchase migration is when you move from a purchased on-premises workload to a cloud-hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS) equivalent. From a resources perspective, a repurchase migration might be a lot easier than refactoring, rebuilding, or re-architecting. However, a repurchase migration might be a lot more expensive and you might not get the granular features of controlling your own cloud environments.

Google Cloud Adoption Framework

Before starting your migration, you should evaluate the maturity of your organization in adopting cloud technologies. The Google Cloud Adoption Framework serves both as a map for determining where your business information technology capabilities are now, and as a guide to where you want to be.

You can use this framework to assess your organization’s readiness for Google Cloud and what you need to do to fill in the gaps and develop new competencies, as illustrated in the following diagram.

(Image Courtesy: https://cloud.google.com/static/architecture/images/migration-to-gcp-getting-started-1-gcp-adoption-framework.svg)

The Cloud Maturity Scale is obtained by analyzing the four subjects in relation to the three phases. Each topic demonstrates what happens when you go from implementing new technologies on an as-needed basis to utilizing them more strategically throughout the company. This inevitably leads to providing your personnel with training that is more in-depth, thorough, and consistent.

The migration path

It’s important to remember that a migration is a journey !!

(Image Courtesy: https://cloud.google.com/static/architecture/images/migration-to-gcp-getting-started-migration-path.svg)
  1. Assess:
    This phase involves a comprehensive inventory and assessment of your current environment to understand your app and environment, identify requirements and dependencies for your app, calculate the total cost of ownership, and set performance benchmarks for your app.
  2. Plan:
    During this phase, you plan the app migration process and build the fundamental cloud architecture where your workloads will reside. Identity management, networking, project organization and structure, app sorting, and creating a migration strategy with a priority list are all included in this planning.
  3. Deploy:
    You create, put into practice, and carry out a deployment procedure in this phase to shift workloads to Google Cloud. You may need to modify your cloud architecture to accommodate new requirements.
  4. Optimize:
    During this stage, you start to fully utilize cloud-optimized technologies and capabilities to increase the potential of your business in areas like training, costs, disaster recovery, scalability, performance, and opening up opportunities for AI/ML for your app.

Tools and Services to help your Migration Journey

Make sure you utilize all resources available to ease the process of Cloud Migration …

(Image Courtesy: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-cloudblog-publish/images/move_data.max-1100x1100.png)
  1. Product documentation:
    Google Cloud provides documentation for each of its products and services, as well as for APIs. That’s the first place to start understanding all services.
  2. Architecture Center documentation:
    The migration section of the Architecture Center covers many ready made migration scenarios. For example, Migration resources provides guidance about your migration journey to Google Cloud.
  3. Training: Develop your team’s skills
    Migrating to cloud can be a learning curve for some of the team members. There are Labs, Trainings, Certifications available with GCP which can help members get used to the platform.
  4. Tools:
    GCP offers a valuable toolkit to simplify and streamline the migration process. Let’s explore some tools and services that can empower your migration.

Google Cloud Migration Center is a unified platform that helps you with features like cloud spend estimation, asset discovery of your current environment, and a variety of tooling for different migration scenarios, Migration Center provides you with what you need for your migration.
Database Migration Service is a product that helps you migrate your databases to Google Cloud.
Storage Transfer Service lets you bring data to Cloud Storage from other cloud providers, online resources, or local data.
Transfer Appliance is a hardware appliance you can use to migrate large volumes of data (from hundreds of terabytes up to 1 petabyte) to Google Cloud without disrupting business operations.
BigQuery Migration Service is a comprehensive solution for migrating your data warehouse to BigQuery.

Sample Architecture to move a project on GCP

Lets take an example of an on premise project which consumes data from various sources like RDBMS instances, File object storages, SFTP locations and IOT data from sensors.

The customer wants to go all IN on cloud native services !

Sample Architecture

Like you can see in the image above, The architecture that you will design should consider all the sources data ingestion, data processing and advanced analytics on the processed data to utilize capabilities of Cloud fully …

Security is a key aspect for any Data pipeline on Cloud. You should consider IAM roles, Least privilege, Firewall rules, Monitoring and Logging of all events, Alerts incase of any malfunction as well as VPC service controls to stop anyone outside GCP perimeter to get their hands on your Data or Infrastructure.

You can use services like Dataplex and Data Catalog to maintain quality of your data as well as keep an eye on all the metadata of all processes.

Using services like Cloud Build + Cloud Source Repositories you can achieve CI/CD as well.

Last but not the least, use of services like Pub-Sub and Dataflow to ingest the data. Cloud Storage and BigQuery to store, process and analyze the data further gives you ability to use AI/ML products on top of your processed data as well.

Migrating to GCP or any cloud provider not only involves moving infrastructure but also a step towards a more efficient, secure, and future-proof landscape. It’s about embracing a cloud-native mindset that drives innovation and competitive advantage. With careful planning and best practices, businesses can navigate the complexities of migration confidently, positioning themselves for sustained success in the digital era.

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Until next time, stay curious !!

