How to Improve Executive Function Skills in Adults

The Ladder Method
3 min readJun 29, 2022


How to Improve Executive Function Skills in Adults — The Ladder Method

The challenges that adult life hurls at one can be very tricky to manage; having to juggle so many things simultaneously tends to be overwhelming for an average individual. For people with weak executive function, the smallest tasks such as doing the laundry, grocery shopping, organizing a closet, and so on can prove to be very difficult.

There are various simple measures that can be taken to improve adult executive functioning.

Make A To-Do List For Each Day

The difficulties of executive function impairment can be lessened by making a daily list of chores and projects. You can stay motivated, keep organized, and advance toward your objectives with the aid of to-do lists. A daily to-do list is an effective tool for controlling irrational urges that might result in bad decisions.

Use A Calendar

Make a daily, weekly, or monthly itinerary to keep track of significant dates and appointments. Every day, update your calendar. Make an effort to schedule repetitive visits during the same time of day, so they’re easier to keep in mind.

Learn How to Manage Your Time

Sort to-do lists into “urgent,” “important,” and “non-urgent” categories. This will allow you to allocate enough time in your budget for lengthier tasks that are significant to you and ensure that you finish them successfully without getting overwhelmed.

Note It!

Spend some time keeping a specific notepad handy for noting important dates, reminders, or regulations that come up. Maintain order. Keep sticky notes at a location that is simple to get to.

Keep a record of the details mentioned during meetings and phone calls by taking notes relating to them.

Use Reminders

Set alarms and reminders to be organized and on time for appointments and meetings.

Make Things Simple and Manageable

To help you focus and finish the activity before going on to the next, limit the number of tasks you try to perform at once.

Sit Back And Take A Breather

Executive functioning disorder-induced anxiety can be lessened, and the symptoms related to poor executive functioning abilities can be improved by engaging in stress-reduction practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.


Try de-cluttering your home or office if you notice that you regularly lose things or feel overwhelmed. Keep your space nice and organized to make it easier to find things and feel less overwhelmed.

Seek Professional Help

Working with a professional could prove to be a very helpful idea if you want to advance beyond individually putting simple methods into practice to improve one’s executive functioning skills.

A speech-language pathologist is the best person to go to for adult executive functioning disorders. Speech therapists are educated to support language development and the social language components of executive function, such as starting conversations, keeping them on topic, and finishing them up.

Hype Yourself Up!

Positive self-talk, rephrasing a state of mind or circumstance, and behavioural strategies like relaxation breathing are all possible components of adult coaching for the enhancement of executive functioning skills. Remember that you are doing your best and that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes!

Key Takeaway!

Weak executive functioning skills can prove to be a major hindrance in making progress at work/school and generally in life; however, with the above-mentioned steps, it can get noticeably easier and manageable. It is important to remember that people with an executive functioning disorder aren’t slow or less smart; they just require a slightly different approach to understanding/doing things.

