Final update OST VTT Coin Alpha III

Edwin Chan
4 min readAug 9, 2018


Hi I am Edwin Chan.

VTT project is a POC for bringing tokenization into the terminal management systems using OST.COM to give an incentive to vessels owners who are accurate on arrival trough the minted branded token VTT. Vessel owners can place a bid with these tokens to get into a desired timeslot.

The AlphaIII video I created:


The number of vessels in different terminal ports in Europe is growing continuously.

Delays and other issues have considerable financial consequences.

Therefore a vessel’s incoming and outgoing journey should be planned as effectively as possible. The project I’m working on is trying to achieve just that. — Collecting arrival and departure times from all parties involved — Predicting more accurate arrival and departure times based on collected and historical data while taking current conditions into account. -

Providing an overall picture of the planning to all parties. — Helping ship agents, terminals and other operators to better manage their vessel service planning. Using the VTT token I like to demonstrate in a proof of concept for a Terminal company how VTT can be integrated to provide VTT tokens to all parties involved. The goal is to give an incentive to positive actions and the usage of these tokens to get discount or services.

Vessels (ship agents) can earn the VTT token by being on time (within a timeframe) at the expected time of arrival that is previous send to this owner. These tokens can be used and spend at terminals (buy into timeslot) or other operators.

In the future vessels can also send the tokens to other Vessels for other services they providing, making it a complete marketplace for all parties involved. The agreed contract between parties is something that should be integrated in the blockchain as well in the future

Screenshot of the dashboard:

Joining Alpha III

I joined Alpha III to add the wallet amount in BT / $ and also showing the transactions of the loggedin user. I already created the whole system in AlphaII so the basic setup was done already in Ruby. So this extra functionality was easy todo.

Ledger & Wallet and their API’s

So I’m not much of a designer so the UX/UI is not my kind of thing. What I created is a simple list of all transactions of the loggedIn user (company). What is important is the From -To. What you see are transaction from the company of the branded token economy to a vessel owner. The exact date and amount is important for the verification.

The action I created in OST KIT and displayed it in the ledger. I did not use the action API, I just had a few action types so a simple array did the trick.

I used the new list user transactions endpoint (

For the wallet amount I used the balance API. I display the total amount in the header and the value of the token of you unstake it to OST. For this business the actual value is not that important. The incentive is the real goal / business value.

The API is easy to integrate like the rest of the SDK. Because I joined AlphaII I really did not have any issue working with it.


Seeing some other POC’s of other Alpha’s of other AlphaIII participants I learned a lot. Their are a lot different ways to show it. Some have grouped it by day for example with nice icon’s. For B-B application like I created, that is not really needed….

I hope you like it and would love some feedback. Let me know. Tnx OST team team for making this create future to work on blockchain so easy.

Screenshots of OST (economy and transactions)

More information about OST

OST blockchain infrastructure empowers new economies. OST is a public blockchain platform designed for the needs of businesses with millions of users. Launch your own Branded Tokens with OST technology and turn your business into a dynamic ecosystem. OST is built on the OpenST Protocol, a framework for building highly scalable blockchain token economies. OST has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune. For more information, please visit:

