Maike Klip and her quest for empathy

Ladies that UX — Utrecht
2 min readMay 13, 2019

14 June we as LTUX Utrecht will host Grow The Mindset! A MeetupXL with several great speakers! Such as: Jared Spool, Dana Chisnell and many more!

But first, let us introduce to you one of our favorite speakers: Maike Klip works as a UX researcher for DUO ( since 5 years and thereby helps the Dutch government to become more user centered for quite a while now.

Anouschka spoke to her about her passions and the topic she will talk about at Grow the Mindset! Watch the video below or read the short summary of what she said below.

This is Maike

Maike recently started studying again, next to her work for DUO. She started Art School and focuses on how to combine her two passions: photography and UX research. That’s what we call passionate!

About her talk at Grow The Mind Set!

Maike is always questioning everything around her and she will do so in her talk at Grow The Mindset as well. She will challenge you, her audience, to think about what empathy means to you. Do you think it’s good to always have empathy? The more the better?

And how do you apply empathy in your organization? Is your organization empathic with its clients and users? Maike gives some insight in how she thinks governmental organizations can become organizations that are understanding towards its citizens in a way that citizens feel heard. She found that it’s good to dose empathy, sometimes a bit more but sometimes a bit less.

We are very much looking forward to everything she has to say about this intriguing topic! Her philosophical way of thinking about UX research is what really defines her.

Details of the event:

Grow The Mindset!

Brought to you by Ladies That UX Utrecht

Date: June 14 2019

Time: 12.00h — 23.30h

Location: Het Huis Utrecht


More: Check out the fulll programme & details of each talk and pick your favorite parallel session>



Ladies that UX — Utrecht

Utrecht based UX community that promotes diversity, female talent and equal gender ratio. Grow the Mindset! Join: