Eating Habits that I can’t stand

Lady Chocolate
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Some people don’t pay attention to themselves when they eat can be impolite, annoying, or terrible. Some people never opened a book of etiquette. In their mind, it never comes to any thought that they can force other polite or sensitive people to feel disgust and lose the hunger feeling. For me, It’s difficult to eat with other people, and in this article, I will list the points that I cannot stand in the habits of people at the table.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

The first annoying thing that I don’t like, is when people are eating loudly and from time to time, or constantly are keeping their mouths open, during the process. Sounds like it’s a wild pig. It isn’t beautiful and pushes away. I had a few colleagues who liked to eat at the same time as me, and all of them were creating terrible sounds. They were spoiling the appetite and the mood.

The second thing that people like to do, they eat too fast, like they are in a hurry, or they look like a meat grinder… Imagine, you came for dating, you didn’t have time to introduce yourself and your partner already finished his stake. Doesn’t look good for both, one person is still eating, and the second is sitting bored. It’s not even polite to eat fast. And it’s bad for digestion. To ensure that food is well digested, you need to chew it at least ten times. I don’t like it when a person swallows food like a snake.

Photo by Tristan Gassert on Unsplash

One more terrible habit It’s when people don’t feel, or they don’t care that they are sitting stained with food. They can be in sauce, mayonnaise, crumbles, jam, chocolate, ice cream, mustache from foam on coffee or cocktail… And they look at you and try to speak. In such situations, I feel disgusted and even don’t look at them, and ask them to clean their mouths. A polite person will clean it with a napkin by himself from time to time.

The next bad habit is when a person puts in a lot of food and starts to speak, and you can see everything that’s going on inside… I’m too sensitive to look at such things… Or train, how to speak during eating, or chew till the end and then say that you wanted.

Belching after eating can make you feel distant. This is a disgusting habit, some people make up excuses that this is how their digestion works. But we will all understand that this is bad manners.

It’s also annoying when a person uses his finger to help push food into his mouth because he’s already stuffed his clothes too big. Is it possible to bite off small pieces?

I also can’t stand it when people start snatching food from my plate. If you want the same food, order it for yourself. As Joey Tribiani from the series Friends says — Joey doesn’t share food! And I understand him! I feel the same!

Another terrible habit at dinner is licking fingers and licking plates. Are you really that hungry?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This seems to be the entire annoying list of bad table manners. Be polite and respect others. What habits irritate you?

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