Laura Bell
1 min readSep 22, 2016


Kia kaha lovely Anna. I respect what you do and how you do it immensely but now even more for showing me and the others like me that we are all fighting the same battles.

Your vulnerability is as powerful, if not more so than your success. This journey doesn’t seem to be about the shiny end result but the brutal learning process we go through on the way.

Keep shining the light on both sides this.

May your dark times be few but when they appear cherish them as you would a onesie filled day of joy. Let them bring you the next lesson you need to learn and the next stage of your evolution.

May your lighter days be plentiful and contagious so we may all share the community and family you are building around you.



Laura Bell

CEO of, application security wrangler, repeat dreamer, some-time builder, python juggler and mom.