5 Things To Consider Before Relocating Your Business

Elaine Rau
3 min readJun 15, 2018


So, you are thinking about moving to do business in a new city or even a new country? While your first reaction may be a rush of nerves and excitement, you need to take the time to think about whether or not you are making the right decision.

After all, this is a big choice to make that is going to affect your entire life. It helps to write down all the pros and cons, as well as weighing up all the expenses involved carefully. Here are just a few of the top points to include in your decision-making process.

Consider Your Company Numbers

Look at your company carefully.

  • How long has it been established for?
  • Do you have a team who is willing to move and how are the career progression opportunities for staff?
  • Is it a growing business?

You don’t want to uproot yourself, only to put your company in jeopardy within a few months. You also need to closely consider what are the benefits of moving to a new location. Perhaps it is to get access to a new customer base or enjoy reduced running costs. Essentially, you need to have very clear motives in mind.

Look into the Cost of Running the Business

A lot of people move their companies to big cities, but you need to check out the cost of running the business in the new location. It won’t matter if your turnover goes up slightly if your business costs rise significantly as well. Rent, transportation, food costs, and taxes are just a few of the things which you need to take into account from a personal point of view.

The Stress of Moving

Moving is ranked among the most stressful experiences that a person can go through in their life. And it can be especially difficult when you move to a new place where you don’t know anybody. You also need to think about how difficult it may be to physically move all your things, and whether you need to hire a moving company like the one found on this website. The stress that you go through may affect how you are able to run your business.

Look at the Lifestyle

Next up, you should think about what sort of lifestyle you will experience in the new area.

  • Will it be fast-paced or laid-back?
  • What sort of entertainment options are available to you?
  • What is the climate like?

Many people tend to get too focused on how their company will do in the new location and overlook the other aspects of life.

Pay a Visit

Though you can read as much as you like and look at hundreds of pictures, the only way that you are going to get a clear idea of what a place is like is by visiting in person. You may find that things are totally different to what you had initially expected, and this can end up swaying your decision one way or the other.

After you have weighed up these five points, hopefully, you have a better idea about whether moving your business is the right choice for you or not.



Elaine Rau

Founder of LadyBossBlogger.com — blog highlighting female entrepreneurs, their businesses and their stories. Email ladybossblogger@gmail.com to be featured!