Ines Ruiz Helps Women Create Online Businesses That Fit Their Lifestyles

Elaine Rau
4 min readDec 30, 2017


Ines Ruiz is a former Cambridge University Lecturer, military spouse turned entrepreneur. She founded an online educational business and now she is helping other women create an online business that fits their lives — no matter what their circumstances are.

What motivated and inspired you to start your own business?

I always had an interest in business and when my husband’s tour in Europe finished and we were stationed in the states, it was time to find an online business that was going to let me be independent no matter where we got stationed.

It is hard for military spouses to advance in their careers due to the relocations that occur approximately every two years. I needed something that was mobile and gave me flexibility to work from any part of the world.

Tell us about your business.

I founded an educational business 22 months ago and we have already passed 350K in revenue. With the Women Entrepreneur Community I help other women start and develop a business that fits their lives.

Are you currently running any promos/contests/giveaways that you would like our readers to know about?

Not at the moment, but we do those often. You can sign up here to be updated of all the things that we do and follow our facebook page!

List awards/certifications/accomplishments.

I have a BA and MA in Translation Studies, an MA in Education and E-Learning and a postgraduate certificate in Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language. And 30,000 online courses about marketing and entrepreneurship — just kidding, but you get the idea

Where is your business based?


What were the first few steps you took to get your business up and running?

First I had to figure out a business idea that would fit into my lifestyle. I set out to develop a course that was different from the competition and grow a following of prospective customers.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness of your business and getting new customers?

We have collaborators that write weekly on our blog. The articles have an opt-in and we promote those articles on social media.

What have been your biggest challenges so far?

At the beginning was to find our own voice and define who our clients were.

How did you overcome these challenges?

By trial and error. We tried to be formal at the beginning, but gradually started getting less formal and speaking our customer’s language — that’s when everything got easier. We started listening to our customers and analyzing the data so we could figure out how to clarify our niche audience.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I always think about the big picture. Whatever circumstances are now — they are just temporary. Every step counts towards the big picture.

How do you distinguish yourself from your competitors?

We analyze what is not working in the market and make it better for the customers. If you feel like there are certain things that don’t feel good or frustrate your clients in your niche, go and use them to your advantage!

What is the best advice you have received recently?

Have a look at your life and ask yourself, “where is your energy leaking?”.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?

You have to be patient, building a business takes time. We were not really profitable until month 17, but now we have a multiple 6 figure business.

What are your favorite business tools/resources and why?

Trello and ClickFunnels. I can get organized with my team using Trello and Click Funnels because you can create quite complex funnels.

What is a good article or book you have read recently?

“Contagious” by Jonah Berger.

What are you currently learning about for your business or looking for help with?

Linkedin Ads.

What are your goals for the next few months and how are you striving to achieve them?

Continue growing our women entrepreneur community and help other women move forward.

What social media outlets do you use? List them below.

Instagram @inesruizusa, @womenentrepreneurcommunity



Elaine Rau

Founder of — blog highlighting female entrepreneurs, their businesses and their stories. Email to be featured!