Catch a Clone

9Lives Arena
1 min readMay 15, 2020


You wont find a clone of this one :D

With over 3 trillion possible looks for our Ooogies it is going to be next to impossible to find an identical twin of any Ooogy that has a few Royal Bloodlines as part of their genepool (indicated through the amount of crowns in their token image)

However uncommon Ooogies — those with the green background do have a higher chance to have an identical twin, maybe even a triplet… as they have no Royal Bloodline genes at all!

The person who ends up with the highest amount of clones in their wallet on the 9th of October 2020 will be the “Lord of clones” of 9Lives Arena and receive a tokenized title deed of the same name!

Also the top 9 wallets holding clones will receive the title deed “Clone Hunter”.

Happy clone Hunting!!

