Stack Lifecycle Deployment IaC terraform UI for Self Service Infrastructure

Diego La Falce
3 min readNov 11, 2023

Stack Lifecycle Deployment (SLD) represents a revolutionary solution in infrastructure and application management, designed to simplify and optimize the work of development and operations teams in the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) environment. Below, we detail how this open-source, self-hosted tool changes the game in the world of infrastructure development and operation.

**1. 100% Open Source and Self-Hosted**: Being completely open-source, SLD offers unprecedented customization and flexibility. Organizations have total control over their infrastructure and data, without depending on third-party solutions. This freedom allows the tool to be adapted to the specific needs of each company.

**2. Compatibility with Containers and Kubernetes (K8s)**: SLD can run on Docker containers or Kubernetes clusters, seamlessly integrating into modern development and production environments. This compatibility ensures scalability and efficient resource management.

**3. Intuitive User Interface and REST API**: The platform offers not only a user-friendly interface but also a REST API, facilitating infrastructure management and automation. This allows smooth interaction for users and integration with other systems.

**4. Self-Service for Developers**: SLD provides self-service capabilities, allowing developers to manage and deploy their stacks autonomously, improving agility and reducing dependence on operations teams.

**5. Centralized Variable Management through Terraform’s ``**: One of the most notable features of SLD is its focus on variable management. Using Terraform’s `` file, SLD centralizes variable configuration, eliminating the need to maintain multiple files or systems. This significantly reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies, offering a single source of truth.

**6. Elimination of Failure Points and Improved Consistency**: Centralized management of variables through a single file reduces failure points and improves consistency throughout the development and production cycle. This results in a more efficient process, less prone to errors, and facilitates reviews and audits.

**7. Improved Collaboration and Reduced Maintenance Burden**: Having all variables in one place facilitates collaboration among teams. In addition, it reduces the maintenance burden associated with infrastructure management, allowing teams to focus on more critical tasks.

**8. Support for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Environments**: SLD is suitable for multi-cloud and hybrid environments, providing unified management of resources across different cloud platforms.

**9. Security and Compliance**: Being self-hosted, SLD offers improved control over security, essential for companies with strict compliance and security requirements.

**10. Cost-Effectiveness**: SLD can be a more cost-effective option than commercial solutions, especially for organizations with high usage volume.

In conclusion, SLD positions itself as a comprehensive and adaptable solution for managing the lifecycle of technology stacks, combining the efficiency and automation of modern IaC tools with the flexibility and control of an open-source, self-hosted system. Its focus on centralized variable management through Terraform’s `` significantly simplifies the development and operation process, reducing errors and improving team collaboration and efficiency.

