The Ultimate Guide to Tackling Weight Loss and Gain: Which Is Harder and Why?


Losing fat and gaining muscle are two sides of the same fitness coin.

When we talk about weight loss and gain, we’re really focusing on fat loss and muscle gain — because these are the changes that lead to a healthier, fitter body. Over the past five years, I have experienced both challenges firsthand and have done extensive research on the science behind them.

Here is what I have learnt about losing fat and gaining muscle summarized in 3 min:

1. The Challenges of Fat Loss

Fat loss is often seen as the more challenging of the two. The primary reason is that it requires a consistent calorie deficit, which means burning more calories than you consume.

This often involves:

Dietary Adjustments:

Cutting down on calories can be tough. However, it does not mean giving up on all your favorite foods, it is a matter of quantity. As a rule of thumb, even when I am in a calorie deficit, I aim to include 20% of “treats” such as ice cream in my diet.

A sustainable fat loss typically requires a calorie deficit of about 10–20%.

Protein intake is crucial too; aim for about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to preserve muscle mass while losing fat.

Increased Physical Activity:

Regular physical activity is essential to create a calorie deficit and improve overall health. However, it does not have to be exhausting cardio or HIIT workouts.

I aim to hit 14k+ steps/day, which is the easiest way to include more physical activity daily without burning out and becoming exhausted.

Strength Training:

Incorporating strength training is important to achieve a toned look. It helps in maintaining muscle mass while losing fat, which contributes to a more defined physique.

Metabolic Adaptation:

The body becomes more efficient over time, burning fewer calories at rest. This means you need to continuously adjust your diet and exercise routine to keep losing fat.

The Psychological Battle:

Constantly resisting cravings and making healthy choices can be mentally exhausting. Additionally, seeing slow progress on the scale can be discouraging and lead to setbacks.

Here is my favorite podcast about fat loss:

2. The Challenges of Muscle Gain

Muscle gain, while often perceived as easier, comes with its own set of difficulties. To build muscle, you need a calorie surplus — eating more calories than you burn — and a structured strength training program. The goal here is lean muscle gain, which focuses on building muscle without adding excess fat. The challenges include:

Nutritional Demands:

Consuming enough protein and calories to support muscle growth without gaining excessive fat.

A lean muscle gain typically requires a calorie surplus of about 10%. Protein intake should be around 1 gram per pound of body weight.

Intense Workouts:

Strength training requires dedication, with regular, progressively challenging workouts to stimulate muscle growth.

Patience and Consistency:

Muscle gain is a slow process, often taking months or even years to see significant changes.


Recovery is crucial in muscle gain. Without proper rest and recovery, muscles don’t have the opportunity to repair and grow, which can stall progress and increase the risk of injury.

Here is my favorite podcast about muscle gain:

3. Which Is Harder?

Determining which is harder — fat loss or muscle gain — depends on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and personal preferences. For me, muscle gain is harder because I have a tendency to undereat and be very active, which makes it challenging to maintain a calorie surplus needed for muscle growth.

Ultimately, both require discipline, patience, and a strategic approach. Combining both goals — losing fat and gaining muscle — can be particularly challenging but also the most rewarding, as it leads to a balanced and healthy physique.


Whether you’re aiming to lose fat or gain muscle, understanding the challenges of each can help you set realistic expectations and develop a plan that works for you.

Remember, the key to success in either journey is consistency and a positive mindset. Stay focused, keep pushing, and celebrate every small victory along the way.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash



Penelope | The Fit Data Scientist

Using AI to coach ambitious 20-somethings to get in the best shape while growing their careers | AI for Coaches | Healthcare Data Scientist