PowerUp +Ammo

phi golden
Nov 7, 2022


1. Create a power-up that refills the Ammo Count.
2. Add a Sound Effect to Refill Ammo
3. Add a 3D model to collect
4. Reloading Sound Effect

Featured Image:

Deciding on an Ammo Collectible:

I am decided on this type of ammo icon (3D).

Sound: Just looked for some Sifi reload sounds



Added more conditions. Yes, this breaks the Open and close principle.


PowerUpBehavior calls this Method from Player.cs

1. The heart of the logic for limited ammo is here UserLaserPool() we first check if the game has started if so start limiting. _ammoBank — and UpdateAmmo is under the _ammoBank is 0 check because once we hit zero it will skip everything under this block of code with a return.

From a future article but when ammo is refilled/reset, a check for an ammo update/count to fire or will skip the rest of the code in UseLaserPool() by a return when _ammoBank is ≤ 0


Drag and drop Ammo collectibles


This simple rotation when Active, animation Should always be in FixedUpdate.

Game Play Video:

Thanks for Reading…

