Blasts from My Sordid Pasts: The Discovery

Wishin’ and Hopin’…

Brian Lageose


Clearly unprofessional image by Author, details to follow.

Once upon a time that is not now…

Hey, Folks.

Some of you who have listened to me babble about such for years are aware that I lost most of my early writings through a series of incidents (some accidental, one, in particular, extremely vindictive). This loss haunts me from time to time, even though I realize there’s not much I can do about it at this point. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

There is one project that I was fairly certain managed to survive. It was a hardcopy of my third “book”, printed out over three decades ago. I just didn’t know what the hell I had done with it, despite many nights of sleepless pondering. Amazingly, I still have a digital copy of such, as well, but it’s on several “hard disks”. (Remember those? Sadly, said disks are forever formatted to fit the needs of the fancy “word-processing machine” I owned back in those fading salad days. Said machine died eons ago, presumably along with any support people who could help me translate the recorded data into something usable for modern products.

Believe me, I have tried many times over the years, as new fancy products roll out that falsely promise to aid me in my quest to convert retro data into something that makes sense, to release the unfairly imprisoned words of my…



Brian Lageose

Texas-based writer, raised in Oklahoma, struggling to overcome both stigmas and prove that decent people can survive in a sea of overwhelming cluelessness.