An Introduction to Farming in Crypto Unicorns

Laguna Games
3 min readDec 13, 2021


The time has come finally to tell everyone about the farming gameplay in Crypto Unicorns! The following is meant to be a brief overview of farming, but we’ll be sure to delve deeper into these systems further in later articles. Please note that plans are always subject to change, especially as we get feedback from our community!

We want Crypto Unicorns to be a fun, joyful experience, and farming is designed to be a core gameplay loop in the game. We want players to engage in a gameplay style that is relaxing, and not just focused on 1 vs. 1 PVP as in so many other P2E games; we also want to create a warm and welcoming initial game for all unicorns and players to enjoy while earning tokens and advancing the level of their farms. We’re big fans of farming sims, player-driven economies, and emergent behavior, and we are excited to bring those levels of depth and intricacy to Crypto Unicorns.

Your Home on the Range

Players will need to build Farms and other buildings on their Land NFT. They can place their farm anywhere on their land that they want, to customize the look and feel of their land. They can also rearrange it later if they want.

  • Buildings placed and upgraded on a Land NFT are bound to that NFT.
  • When the Land NFT is traded, the Buildings are traded with the Land.
  • Buildings keep their Level and bonuses when the Land NFT is traded, and even retain the building placements of the previous owner.

Farming requires planting Seeds to grow Berries

Harvesting berries and selling them at the Market is one of the main ways to earn tokens from farming.

  • Players plant seeds into Farms to have berries grow over time. Harvest time is affected by adjacent lands.
  • The number of berries that are harvested from a grown seed is random, but can be increased in several ways, such as by assigning a Unicorn to the farm, or by increasing the level of the Farm.

Unicorns on the Farm

Did you know that Unicorns are excellent farmers? Their horns are perfect for digging in the soil, and they also know how to keep soil properly fertilized!

Players can assign their Unicorn NFTs to work on a farm, to boost the amount of berries harvested. Unicorns that are a compatible class with the Land will receive an even greater boost to the harvest.

This is one place where the advantage of Rare and Mythic Lands comes to shine, as they will allow a wider variety of unicorn classes to receive the class-matching boost!

Leveling up your buildings

Players can increase the level of their Farm and other buildings by completing recipes of Materials, which are produced by Crafting in the Workshop. Crafting will be discussed more in another article.

Farms get bonuses based on land adjacency

  • Up to 9 land plots in a wallet can be connected into a 3x3 Grid to gain Adjacency Bonuses to Farming (and other Activities)
  • Farms will get an Adjacency Bonus based on number of Adjacent Lands that are compatible with the Land Type that the Farm is built on.
  • Harvest Speed can be improved through Adjacency Bonuses.

More to Come

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the details we want to share with you, and we plan to keep providing more detailed blog posts leading up to the game launch about the various gameplay options in Crypto Unicorns.

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Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.