Bug Bounty Program Launch

Laguna Games
5 min readJun 2, 2022


Hello, Uni-fam!

The purpose of the Bug Bounty Program is to encourage the community to help improve the quality of the game. This program will reward players for submitting in-game usability issues to the team. The severity of the issue reported will be commensurate with the bounty reward granted to the original reporter.

Let’s dive right into it!

The Scope and Limitations of the CU Bug Bounty Program.

The Bug Bounty Program is limited to in-game usability issues. The Bug Bounty Program encompasses only issues relating to the game. This covers in-game usability issues and official websites such as the RBW Staking website, and the Rewards claim site, among others. The team will diagnose the severity of the issue and assign it to an appropriate tier. Each tier has a corresponding reward in line with the severity of the issue.

What is considered a Novel Issue?

  1. Issues that haven’t been announced in the official Discord community
  2. Issues that are not connected to a prior issue.

Who is considered the original reporter?

The original reporter has to comply with the following guidelines:

  1. They must be the first player to sufficiently report to Zendesk about a particular issue that falls within the scope and limitations of the Program.
  2. They must be a member of the Discord community.
  3. They must not currently be in the running Blacklist.
  4. They comply with the Bug Bounty Ticket Format.

What is the Bug Bounty Ticket Format?

The Bug Bounty Ticket format ensures that the bugs submitted have all the necessary information for investigation. A bug bounty report must comply with the following guidelines in order to be a valid report:

Subject: A succinct title of the issue/bug

  • Discord handle
  • Wallet Address
  • A short summary of the issue encountered
  • Detailed steps for reproducing the issue behavior
  • If applicable to the nature of the issue, an accompanying image or video of the issue’s behavior
  • If applicable to the nature of the issue, the general troubleshooting steps the player has tried
  • If applicable to the nature of the issue, the transaction hash
  • If applicable to the nature of the issue, the console logs

What is the procedure of the Program?

The procedures can still be amended to adjust with suggestions and findings of the program.

  1. The players submit tickets containing the complete information as indicated by the Bug Bounty Ticket format to the Bug Bounty Program Form.
  2. The ticket is received by the Customer Support team at Zendesk.
  3. The issue is diagnosed by the team.
  4. The issue is categorized under a Tier.
  5. The player who first submitted a ticket with complete information will be identified by the team.
  6. That player is made aware that they are the original reporter.
  7. The original reporter will be rewarded with the tier-appropriate reward by the end of the report cycle’s succeeding month to the wallet address they submitted the ticket with.

How will the reward be disbursed?

As the reward is denominated in USD, the Laguna Games team shall have the discretion to pay the rewards in either RBW or USDC. This will follow a monthly cadence.

If you believe you’ve found a bug, we highly encourage you to submit a Zendesk ticket. There is a guide on our Discord, particularly the #knowledge-base channel, to help you in writing your Bug Bounty report.

Changes to this Medium article to reflect the Bug Bounty Reward Amendments were made on Jan 16, 2023. The older version is indicated below the line.

Hello, Unifam!

It’s been a month since launch and with most major issues addressed, our development team seeks to further improve the experience for everyone. While the team is hard at work resolving known issues and finding other possible unreported issues, we feel that involving all stakeholders in the process will enable us to collectively take ownership of what we’re trying to build together, while also rewarding the community for their efforts. Enter the Bug Bounty Program.

Let’s dive right into it!

The Scope and Limitations of the CU Bug Bounty Program
Before we get going, we’re going to fill you in on the extent of this program.
The Bug Bounty Program encompasses only issues relating to the game. This covers in-game usability issues and official websites such as the RBW Staking website, and the Rewards claim site, among others. The team will diagnose the severity of the issue and assign it to an appropriate tier. Each tier has a corresponding reward in line with the severity of the issue.

What is considered a Novel Issue?

  • Issues that haven’t been announced in the official Discord community
  • Issues that are not connected to a prior issue.

Who is considered the original reporter?
Here’s a checklist to help you figure out if you’re the first reporter. Note however that the original reporter will only be determined once the issue has been diagnosed.

  • You must be the first player to report to Zendesk about a particular issue that falls within the scope and limitations of the Program.
  • You must be a member of the Discord community.
  • You must not currently be on the running Blacklist and;
  • You comply with the Bug Bounty Ticket Format.

What is the Bug Bounty Ticket Format?

Simply put, this ensures that the bugs submitted have all the necessary information to proceed with the investigation. To finally cross the last item off your original reporter checklist, review your bug bounty report and make sure it complies with the following guidelines:

Subject: A brief title for the issue

  • Discord handle
  • Wallet Address
  • A brief explanation of the issue encountered
  • The general troubleshooting steps the player has tried
  • An accompanying image or video of the issue
  • Reproduction steps for the issue
  • If applicable, the transaction hash
  • If applicable, the console logs

What is the procedure of the Program?

The procedures can still be amended to adjust to suggestions and findings of the program.

  1. The player submits a ticket containing complete information as indicated by the Bug Bounty Ticket format to the Bug Bounty Program Zendesk Form.
  2. The ticket is received by the admins of Zendesk.
  3. The issue is diagnosed by the team.
  4. The issue is categorized under a Tier.
  5. The player who first submitted a ticket with complete information will be identified by the team.
  6. That player is made aware that they are the original reporter.
  7. The original reporter will be rewarded with a tier-appropriate reward at the end of the following month to the wallet address they submitted the ticket with.

With the implementation of the Bug Bounty Program, we recognize that our players are vital to improving the game. If you believe you’ve found a bug, we highly encourage you to submit a Zendesk ticket. There is a guide on our Discord, particularly the #zendesk-guide channel, to help you in writing your Bug Bounty report.

— The Laguna Games Team



Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.