Laguna Games
6 min readAug 12, 2023

Hey there Unicorn fam!

Today we are announcing the launch of our new Clan Leaderboard that will allow players to work in teams to climb the leaderboard together.

Clans will gain progress on this leaderboard by participating in various aspects of the Crypto Unicorns ecosystem. Breeders, farmers, jousters, and Unicorn Party warriors alike will accrue points for their in-game actions!

Clan Leaderboards will be a continuous event, if successful, then span over 3-month periods. The first iteration of this leaderboard will last for a little over 1 month (to align with our quarterly schedule).

Unlike individual events, the Clan Leaderboard won’t consist of milestone events, but rather, weekly eliminations.

Event Dates

Schedule table. Make sure to check the Discord server for exact dates and times.

Edit 8/15/23: Clan Leader Registration has been extended to August 16, 11:59PM UTC.

Event Mechanics

Each clan will consist of a Clan Leader that is in charge of managing the Clan and members that contribute points to the Clan’s total score.

Clans are required to have at least 10 members to be considered for participation in the leaderboard. If a clan is not able to accrue 10 members, the clan will not be able to participate in the event.

Similarly, Clans will be capped at 35 wallet addresses for season 1.

Clan Registration Process

Clan Leader Registration

The CM team will create a Discord form for those who wish to apply for Clan Leader. The form will be shown in the #feedback channel.

At the end of the Clan Leader registration period, the list of Clan Leader Applicants (CLA) will be collected.

Clan Member Registration

A Discord ticket will be created for each CLA.

Through the ticket, we will provide a Kryptosign for that specific Clan.

  • Prospective Clan Members must sign up in their Clan’s Kryptosign to be considered for the Clan.
  • We will release a live, read-only Google Sheet. One tab will be assigned for each Clan. Each tab will contain a table documenting all who signed up for the specific Clan, their nickname, and the last 4 digits of their name.
  • CLAs can interact with the CM team through their respective Discord tickets to accept or deny any entrants to their clan.
  • The CM team will also mark any invalid entries from addresses that signed up for more than one Clan at a time.

Finalizing Clan Lists

After the end of Clan Member Registration, Clan Leaders have 12 hours to finalize their choices. At the end of the 12-hour period, the CM team will tally and finalize the clan lists. Clan Leaders who did not manage to collect enough players will also be disqualified from the Leaderboard.

Official Clans Announcement

One day before the start of the event, the CM Team will release a sheet of all clans that were able to sign up. The sheet will contain 1 tab for every clan, and each tab will have a table listing all clan members by their nicknames and the last 4 characters of their wallet address.

Shuffle Window

In the third week of the Clan event, the CM Team will again create tickets for the Clan Leaders and conduct a process similar to the Clan Member Registration. Members must sign up again or be removed from their Clan. The Clan Leader also has the choice of denying entry to previous Clan Members in favor of introducing new Clan Members to their Clan.

Eliminations & Clan Rewards

(Note: Edited 8/24/23 to reflect the new Elimination Round 1 details.)

Clans will be eliminated from the leaderboard on a weekly basis that fall below the cut off.

The first elimination round will cut the leaderboard down to the top 25 clans. Any clan that is eliminated will receive the corresponding RBW prize for each member in the Clan that is tagged up at the time of elimination.

*Also note that the clan's remaining portion is subject to change depending on how many clans sign up for this event.

Final Round: 9/24–9/30

Group Rewards

Badges will be awarded to all players that are tagged up with their Clan when the leaderboard ends. Clans that place 7–10th will receive generic badges for their participation. The top 3 will receive customized badges with the Clan’s name inscribed on them.

Completion badges will be common in rarity, while 1st — 3rd place badges will be rare.

Please note that the unicorn, land, and shadowcorn rewards are not per player, this is the total awarded to each Clan. The assets will be delivered to the Clan Leader when the leaderboard ends, who will be able to distribute them to their members at their discretion.

Individual Rewards

In addition to the rewards for Clans that place on the leaderboard, there will also be rewards for individual performance. This will give players an incentive to continue participating in the event, even if their Clan is eliminated or doesn’t have enough players for Top 10 placement.

The individual leaderboard will list players in Clans, as well as players that are not tagged with a Clan. Our hope is that this will also serve as a potential recruit tool, so Clans can see other players that might be worthy of an invitation.

Event Tasks

Clans will receive leaderboard points when their tagged players complete the following tasks:


  • Breed a unicorn: 90 points
  • Evolve a unicorn: 135 points


  • Win a Bronze Brawl Tournament: 10 points
  • Win a Silver Showdown Tournament: 25 points
  • Win a Golden Gauntlet Tournament: 50 points
  • Compete in Bronze Brawl (any placement): 3 points
  • Compete in Silver Showdown (any placement): 6 points
  • Compete in Golden Gauntlet (any placement): 10 points


  • Craft an item (under 6 hours): 0.2 point
  • Craft an item (6 hours and over): 0.75 point
  • Complete a farm: 0.1 point
  • Complete a quest: 1.25 points
  • Complete a gather: 0.25 point

Unicorn Party

  • Play a UniShoes match of Bumpercorns (top 4/6): 4 points
  • Win a UniShoes match of Bumpercorns: 12 points
  • Play a Party Stamp Corn Clash (top 4/6) match of Bumpercorns: 6 points
  • Win a Party Stamp Corn Clash match of Bumpercorns: 30 points

We are very much excited for this new leaderboard event! It marks the first time CU players have incentives to work together and compete against each other in teams.

For the existing gaming guilds, this leaderboard opens up a new level of prestige for guilds to claim the right to say they are the best in Crypto Unicorns.

The nature of a competitive leaderboard ensures that the rewards are limited, and hence not hyperinflationary with participation.

As for Clans without a large catalog of players and in-game assets, they always have the option to play free rooms in Unicorn Party for extra points to close the gap.

May the best Clan find victory! ✨


8/15/2023 — Added edit under Event Schedule. Revised point system for Crafting. Added separators for each part of the article.

8/25/2023 — Edited table showing the details for each Elimination round.

Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.