Phase 1 Land Sale Details

Laguna Games
3 min readNov 30, 2021


It’s finally time to announce details about our first land sale!

In Crypto Unicorns, land plots are necessary to perform much of the core gameplay, including breeding unicorns, farming, and crafting! (We highly encourage you to check out our Whitepaper to learn about the basics of how the game will work.)

There are 3 Phases of Land Sales scheduled. Each Land Sale will have 10,000 Land Plots available for sale:

  • 6,000 Common Land Plots (1,000 of each Class)
  • 3,000 Rare Land Plots (1,000 of Each Class Group)
  • 1,000 Mythic Land Plots

Common Land initially comes in 6 different types (one for each Unicorn Class). When using a Unicorn of the same class, a player receives a number of buffs, making harvesting, gathering, and crafting more efficient.

Rare Land comes in 3 different types (one for each class group). Rare land will provide buffs for any unicorn within an entire class group. This gives a player more optionality when looking to maximize their farming operation.

Mythic Land comes in only 1 type and buffs every class type! This type of land is by far the rarest and most valuable, given you will receive buffs with any unicorn class.


The Phase 1 Land Sale is scheduled to go live at 23:00 UTC Dec 15, 2021. Phase 2 is scheduled for January 15, 2022, and Phase 3 is scheduled for February 1, 2022.


The prices to purchase Land Plots during Phase 1:

  • Common: 0.025 WETH
  • Rare: 0.05 WETH
  • Mythical: 0.10 WETH

Prices during future Phases are TBD.


In order to maintain a calm and smooth event, we will once again only initially allow purchases from wallets that have been added to our Whitelist. We will be giving out a maximum of 10,000 Whitelist spots, with details to follow very soon in our Crypto Unicorns Discord . Make sure you join our community and participate in the activities if you want to get Whitelisted!

Purchase Limits

Each wallet will be allowed to mint a maximum of 4 plots of land. Additionally, a limit of only 1 Mythic and 2 Rare plots per wallet will be allowed.

Total Land Supply

All available land at the launch of the game will originate from these Land Sales. Following the launch, we eventually plan to allow players to purchase new plots of land. However, there will always be a maximum limit to the total supply of each Plot type:

  • Common Plots: 900,000 Max Supply
  • Rare Plots: 90,000 Max Supply
  • Mythic Plots: 10,000 Total Supply

By participating in our Land Sales prior to the game launch, players will be able to start using their land from Day 1. They will benefit from continuously upgrading the buildings on their land, which will in turn lead to better bonuses to farming, crafting, breeding, and more!

More detailed information about farming gameplay, including the benefits of connecting multiple land plots, to come in a future post! Make sure you subscribe to our Medium account to get the latest news about Crypto Unicorns in your email.



Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.