Shadowcorns Throwing Shade

Laguna Games
11 min readNov 16, 2022


A monumental step in our journey into being a community-owned game came with running a token-gated poll and a productive community feedback workshop last November 17, 2022 for our Throwing Shade Minigame.

After careful consideration, we have applied the following changes in accordance to the results of the poll:

1. Changing the entry fee per week from 250 RBW to 25 RBW.
2. Removing the 90%-10% split at the Altar at the end.

Initially, we were unable to communicate our vision for the event clearly. We own this and take the matter seriously. We sought to remedy this by including our community into the process. We would like to thank the community members who came forward with constructive suggestions for our Throwing Shade minigame. This more collaborative approach opens new ways for us in creating fun and engaging events moving forward. A step we are taking to further include our community in this experimental process is through the Quest Scroll Tuning Change vote. We encourage our community to voice their suggestions on our Forum.

For transparency, here is a link to the previous blog post for Throwing Shade.

We look forward to seeing everyone enjoy our Throwing Shade Minigame.

The Way is Open….

At long last, the time of the Shadowcorns is upon us. Make yourselves known, all ye who dare follow the way of the Shadowcorn, ye brazen seekers of the Altar and its forbidden secrets locked within! The Altar has alighted and awaits Shadowcorns to discover the truth of their past and the potential for their future. The Umbra Trials will soon begin!

Over the coming weeks, your Shadowcorns will undergo the Umbra, a trial to determine those worthy to be the Champions of the Shadowcorns’ Will. Partake in the Umbra by choosing the correct Door. Those who remember the truth will earn Shadowcorn Lootboxes and Leaderboard Points along the way!!

The trials will begin November 27th, 2022. At this point, Shadowcorns will be able to assign into the first chapter and choose the first Door.

Chapter 1: November 27th; Entry Cost: 25 RBW

Chapter 2: December 4th; Entry Cost: 25 RBW

Chapter 3: December 11th; Entry Cost: 25 RBW

Throwing Shade will return in January for Chapters 4–6, exact dates and entry costs to be revealed at a later time.

Navigating the Umbra Trials

The Shadowcorns will experience the Umbra in Chapters (Week) & Pages (Days), which will tell the history of the Shadowcorns and the Cataclysm. Each Chapter will have 5 Pages, and each Page will have some number of Doors. Each Page asks a question, and the Doors hold the answers…but only one will become the truth. Lore answers on each door were selected from those that the community voted on in the UGC event. The number of Doors for the first three Chapters are as follows:

Day 1: 2 Doors
Day 2: 2 Doors
Day 3: 3 Doors
Day 4: 3 Doors
Day 5: 4 Doors

At the start of each Chapter, each Shadowcorn who wants to attempt the trial of the Umbra must be assigned to one of the Doors. Shadowcorns who are assigned to a Door get the Shadowcorn Lootbox and Leaderboard Points immediately, with the Shadowcorn Lootbox being immediately airdropped to the Shadowcorn Owner’s Wallet. This means that all entrants in the Throwing Shade Event are guaranteed a reward.

The answer to the question for that page will be randomly chosen. The Shadowcorns that picked that correct door will move on to the next Page. The Shadowcorns who fail to answer correctly, or have chosen to stay silent, will fall to a deep slumber and will be unable to participate for the rest of the Chapter, however they will still have the rewards that were airdropped to them previously.

Shadowcorns must choose one of the Doors before the cutoff for that Page or will be treated as choosing the wrong Door. Fear not, ghostcorns can participate in future Umbra Trials that cover other Chapters (Week).

To participate in the Trials, you will need to pay 25 RBW and select a Door for each Shadowcorn before the answer to the first Page is revealed. The cost for the first three chapters will be 25 RBW. Each Shadowcorn entered will need to have this cost paid. But each Shadowcorn will only have to pay one entry fee per Chapter (Week).

Schedule Details

  • Nov 27th 7am PST: Chapter 1 Opens, Shadowcorns can be assigned into the trials and make their first choice.
  • Nov 28th 7am PST: Reveal the answer to Page 1. Shadowcorns that choose correctly move onto Page 2.
  • Nov 29th 7am PST: Reveal the answer to Page 2. Shadowcorns that choose correctly move onto Page 3.
  • Nov 30th 7am PST: Reveal the answer to Page 3. Shadowcorns that choose correctly move onto Page 4.
  • Dec 1st 7am PST: Reveal the answer to Page 4. Shadowcorns that choose correctly move onto Page 5.
  • Dec 2nd 7am PST: Reveal the answer to Page 5. Shadowcorns that choose correctly make it to the Altar and share in the rewards!

Should no Shadowcorn reach a Page in a Throwing Shade Event, we will put the potential Lore Answers to the Question to the community for a vote!

Reach the Altar and become a Champion

The Umbra Trials will be very difficult, but those few Shadowcorns that manage to reach the Altar at the end of each Chapter will be rewarded with a Badge recognizing their efforts in getting to the end of the Umbrial Trial.

The Shadowcorns wise enough to get to the Altars will be selected to be one of the Generals leading the Shadowcorns in future conflicts. Their names will be immortalized in Shadowcorn Lore.

Along the way, Players earn Shadowcorn Lootboxes and Leaderboard Points for each Door you assign a Shadowcorn to. These awards are given out upon assigning the Shadowcorn to the Door, so you are guaranteed at least the Page 1 rewards! Lootboxes will be awarded immediately upon confirmation of door choice. This is done via an automatic direct send to the players’ wallet (this is not displayed, quantity-wise, to the player, but will be visible in PS or OS).

Lootboxes will correspond with the current set of doors (Fire stage will award Fire LBs, etc.). These are the rewards for Week 1:

Room 1: Each Shadowcorn gets 100 Leaderboard Points and 1 Fire Shadowcorn Lootbox for being assigned onto a Door in Room 1.

Room 2: Each Shadowcorn gets 200 Leaderboard Points and 2 Slime Shadowcorn Lootboxes for being assigned onto a Door in Room 2.

Room 3: Each Shadowcorn gets 400 Leaderboard Points and 3 Soul Shadowcorn Lootboxes for being assigned onto a Door in Room 3.

Room 4: Each Shadowcorn gets 700 Leaderboard Points and 4 Nebula Shadowcorn Lootboxes for being assigned onto a Door in Room 4.

Room 5: Each Shadowcorn gets 1200 Leaderboard Points and 5 Volt Shadowcorn Lootboxes for being assigned onto a Door in Room 5.

Altar Room: Each Shadowcorn who reaches the Altar Room gets 3000 Leaderboard Points and an Altar Badge.

This is just for the first Chapter. Room rewards for each room for Chapters 2 and beyond will be posted on Discord shortly before those events begin.

See the Results for each Page LIVE!

Join the reveal of the correct door on our Twitch Stream every day at 7am PST!

Hosted by SparklyUnicorn with guests from Laguna Games and Moonstream, the wheel of fate will decide which Door is chosen!

Tune in to see the excitement!

Time for Shadowcorns to Raise their Army

Participating in the Throwing Shade event can earn you Shadowcorn Lootboxes. Inside these Lootboxes are Minion Husks. Shadowcorn Lootboxes also have a small chance to drop a lot of UNIM, similar to rare UNIM drops from Gathering and from other Lootboxes. Once it is time for the Shadowcorns to make their move, you will be able to craft Minions with Minion Husks. Each Shadowcorn Class has its own Lootbox.

Unlike regular Lootboxes, these Shadowcorn Lootboxes stay on your wallet and can be opened in the Dark Forest Website at a future date after the Throwing Shade Event ends. Minion Husks are 1155 Tokens that also live in your wallet.

Shadowcorn Lootboxes are earned when Shadowcorns reach certain pages within a Chapter as well as if they rank high enough on the Shadowcorn Leaderboards. Unlike other Leaderboards we’ve run in the past, the Throwing Shade Leaderboard will rank Shadowcorns, not Players. Players will receive rewards based on how their Shadowcorn or Shadowcorns do.

Shadowcorn Leaderboard Rewards

Shadowcorns who participate in at least one Chapter will be listed on the Shadowcorn Leaderboard for the following Leaderboard Rewards:

The Leaderboard and Leaderboard Prizes will be available on the website by December 9th.

Explore the Dark Forest on Discord

Didn’t make it for the week, ghostcorn? Worry not, you can continue exploring the Dark Forest by joining our UniGuild Discord event! Win Guild Points for yourself and your Guild by voting for a Door! Work together with your Guild to get the most GP!

How to play Throwing Shade?

  1. Go to the and click Connect Your Wallet.

2. Once connected, you will be directed to a new page where you can see the world, doors, and upon scrolling down, the Shadowcorns and their current state.

3. Choose which Shadowcorns you wish to assign for the week and approve the necessary blockchain transactions by clicking Assign to Chapter. Take note that Chapters represent Weeks

📣 Note: Only Unassigned Shadowcorns can be assigned. Previously-assigned Shadowcorns can be unassigned and reassigned. Each Shadowcorn will have a starting cost of 25 RBW to be assigned in each of the first 3 Chapters. The cost may increase or decrease in the subsequent 3 Chapters.

4. Choose a Door for each Shadowcorn you wish to play with. Click “Show Lore” to read the ancient texts. Pick the door that you believe holds the truth.

5. Pick a Shadowcorn to assign to the Door you chose and click Confirm Selections. Repeat until the desired door assignments are made and click on the Confirm All Selections button. A player must confirm their choice to the blockchain for it to be locked in.

📣 Note: Once you’ve confirmed a Door, you cannot change your choice anymore. When you assign a Shadowcorn for the first time, after clicking Confirm All Selections the blockchain popup will give you a warning, proceed and click confirm.

At this point, your Lootbox rewards will be sent to your wallet! Check OpenSea for your rewards!

6. At 7AM PST, the correct answer for the day will be revealed during our Twitch Stream! Make sure to keep a sharp eye on Discord for announcements and livestream schedules.

  • Surviving Shadowcorns will receive rewards and proceed to the next room.
  • Eliminated Shadowcorns (Ghostcorns) stop earning rewards and are unable to play for the rest of the week.
    🔗 CU’s Twitch Channel:

7. At the end of each week, players will arrive at the Altar. The badge for completing the week is given via the claim site at a few days after the end of the Chapter.

8. Unassign your Shadowcorn from the previous chapter and reassign it to the next chapter to continue your search for ancient knowledge and riches! You can follow along the exciting growing narrative each day by joining our Discord and watching along on Twitch!

Throwing Shade FAQs

Can I unassign my Shadowcorns at any time?

In general, no. However, some web3-savvy players may be able to unassign their Shadowcorns time by interacting directly with the blockchain. Please note that Shadowcorns unassigned in this manner forfeit any winnings for the rest of the week but keep previously-earned rewards. Additionally, they may not reassign into the same week they withdrew from.

What are the Shadowcorn States?

Shadowcorns can be in a variety of states during a normal game. These states dictate what the Shadowcorn can and can’t do, and are used to convey information to the player. The different states a Shadowcorn can be in are:

  • Unassigned
  • Assigned
  • Available to select a Door
  • A Door has been selected, but not confirmed
  • A Door has been confirmed
  • Lost (Chosen the wrong Door, did not choose a Door)
  • Assigned on a previous session


This is the default state of a Shadowcorn. It currently resides in the user’s wallet, and is only available to assign up until the first correct path is confirmed onto the blockchain by the Gamemaster.


Once assigned, the Shadowcorn is in the Chapter until the end. While assigned, there are a number of specific states the Shadowcorn can be in:

  • Available: The Shadowcorn is available to select a path.
  • Selected: The Shadowcorn has selected a path, but has not confirmed it permanently onto the blockchain. If the Gamemaster progresses to the next Stage, this choice will not be counted and the Shadowcorn will be marked as lost.
  • Confirmed: The Shadowcorn’s choice is confirmed and will be considered.
  • Lost (Ghostcorn): The Shadowcorn either confirmed the wrong path, or failed to confirm a path at all. Shadowcorns are only marked Lost upon the Gamemaster confirming the correct path choice. Shadowcorns can also be marked lost if they failed to assign into the game prior to the first path being confirmed.

Previously Assigned

Once a Chapter has been ended, the Shadowcorns assigned into that Chapter must be unassigned to return to the player’s wallet. From there, they can be reassigned into the new Chapter.

What would happen if all my Shadowcorns were confirmed on the wrong Door?

If the Shadowcorns were confirmed on the wrong Door, they will become ghostcorns and will be presented with the “All Shadowcorns Lost ‘’ screen.

Upon page refresh, the player can continue to view the worlds, but will be unable to continue confirming Shadowcorns on Doors. Don’t worry though, you still would have received the rewards upon confirming!

How will the Leaderboard be determined?

After 6 weeks of pursuing ancient lore, the Leaderboards will tally and reward the highest-scoring Shadowcorns.

What will happen if I sell my Shadowcorn while it’s assigned?

In the event that a Shadowcorn changes owners mid-chapter, the owner when rewards are dispersed will be eligible to claim them.

Thank you for all your patience, Uni-fam.




Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.