5 Random Acts of Kindness

Laiba Javed
2 min readSep 8, 2018

Yesterday I did the 5 random acts of kindness.

  1. A month ago I was reading a novel and one of my friend ask about that novel.She said that she love that novel and wants to read it again.I send her that book yesterday.
  2. I clean my house for my mother and she was happy by my this act.
  3. I have a bad habit of interrupting someone that is really bad thing.Yesterday i tried not to interrupt anyone while they were talking.
  4. Yesterday,I call my grandparents and ask them about their health.
  5. I write a list of things I love about my friend.She became more happy by my this act.

Learn from this Experience:

I learn a lot from this experience.The main is that how your small acts can make someone happy.We should try our best to do random acts in daily life routine work.

How this is relevant to team work:

In a team,we have to collaborate with other members.We should help them to make them feel happy and comfortable with us so that we can perform the best.



Laiba Javed

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people 👍