Hanno Bootcamp: A week of surfboards and yoga matsAt the end of March this year, we packed our bags, left our laptops at home (except for Zsolt who was insistent on working on PingPong) and…May 8, 20171May 8, 20171
Feedback in remote teams: The gift that keeps on givingWe all know that team dynamics aren’t set in stone. There are good days and then there are ‘my-team-is-driving-me-mad’ days.Mar 16, 2017Mar 16, 2017
Remote Design Thinking with Veronica Fossa, WeFactoryAt Hanno, we use remote design thinking to collaborate, ideate and strategise not just internally amongst ourselves but also with clients…Oct 17, 2016Oct 17, 2016
Remote workshops: Collaboration done virtuallyAs you may have noticed, the times they are a-changin’. Our traditional ways of working are being disrupted and the latest trends show that…Jul 4, 2016Jul 4, 2016
Living la vida local: Reflecting on 1 year as a remote worker“You’re living the dream!”May 5, 2016May 5, 2016
Published inRemote Design Thinking8.0 ConclusionChapter 8 of Remote Design ThinkingMay 7, 2015May 7, 2015
Published inRemote Design Thinking7.0 RecommendationsChapter 7 of Remote Design ThinkingMay 7, 2015May 7, 2015
Published inRemote Design Thinking6.0 Case StudyChapter 6 of Remote Design ThinkingMay 6, 2015May 6, 2015
Published inRemote Design Thinking5.0 DiscussionChapter 4 of Remote Design ThinkingMay 6, 2015May 6, 2015
Published inRemote Design Thinking4.0 Literary ReviewChapter 4 of “Remote Design Thinking”May 6, 2015May 6, 2015