Beyond The Basics: Key Checks For Summer Gas Heater Safety

Laird North
4 min readDec 14, 2023


Image presents Key Checks For Summer Gas Heater Safety

As the Australian summer unfolds, it’s easy to relegate your gas heater to the back of your mind. However, the warm season comes with its own set of considerations for gas heating systems. Gas leaks and malfunctions can pose increased risks during periods of disuse. In this guide, we’ll delve into essential safety checks to ensure your gas heater is summer-ready and that you can enjoy its warmth without worry. If you’re searching for gas heater servicing near me, this article is your comprehensive resource.

1. Visual inspection: The power of a keen eye

Gas heating service commences with a visual inspection — a straightforward yet crucial step in ensuring safety. Take a moment to visually examine your gas heater for signs of damage. Check for rust, cracks, or loose connections, focusing on critical areas like gas lines, burner components, and exhaust vents. Identifying potential hazards early on can prevent more significant issues later. If you notice anything concerning, do not hesitate to contact a qualified gas fitter.

2. Listen up: The whispers of potential trouble

Your sense of hearing becomes an invaluable ally in ensuring gas heater safety. Pay close attention to any atypical sounds — whether it’s hissing, popping, or loud banging emanating from the heater. These auditory cues might signal potential issues like gas leaks, faulty components, or improper ventilation of the gas appliance. Acting promptly is crucial when such sounds manifest. Regard them as red flags, urging you to reach out to a gas fitter without delay. Your attentive ears have the potential to detect a problem before it evolves into a more serious safety hazard.

3. Smell test: Trust your nose for safety

The distinct odour accompanying natural gas serves as a crucial safety feature. Detecting a strong, unpleasant smell could signal a potential gas leak, and overlooking it may result in perilous consequences. In case of a suspected gas leak, adhere to safety protocols: promptly evacuate the area, shut off the gas supply, and contact a professional emergency gas heating service promptly. Trusting your nose and acting swiftly can prevent potential disasters.

4. Flame check: The dance of combustion tells a story

Observing the flame of your gas heater can reveal vital information about its condition. Keep an eye out for signs of malfunction, such as flickering, yellowing, or the flame lifting away from the burner. These characteristics may indicate incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide production, or an improper air-to-gas ratio. For a professional inspection and potential adjustments to ensure safe combustion, consider reaching out to a qualified gas fitter.

5. Carbon monoxide: The silent threat

Carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless gas, can be a silent assassin lurking in your own home. Produced by incomplete combustion in faulty appliances like gas heaters, it can silently steal your breath and even your life before you even realise you’re in danger. Don’t let this silent threat catch you unprepared. Here’s how you can stay safe:

Install and maintain your sentinels: carbon monoxide detectors

Just like smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors are your first line of defence against this invisible enemy. Install them in every sleeping area and near gas appliances, ensuring they’re strategically placed to detect any potential leaks. Don’t forget to test them monthly and replace their batteries regularly. Remember, a working detector could be the difference between a close call and a tragedy.

Know the enemy: The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can mimic the symptoms of other common illnesses like the flu, making it even more dangerous. Be aware of the warning signs, including:

  • Headache: A persistent, throbbing headache that doesn’t improve with over-the-counter medication.
  • Dizziness and nausea: Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous, especially after being around your gas appliances.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Feeling unusually tired and weak, even after a good night’s sleep.
  • Shortness of breath and chest tightness: Difficulty breathing or tightness in your chest, especially after being exposed to gas.

Act fast, stay alive: What to do if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning

If you experience any of these symptoms, especially near your gas appliances, don’t hesitate. Take immediate action:

  • Get fresh air: Open all windows and doors to evacuate the area immediately.
  • Turn Off the Gas: Locate the main gas valve and shut off the gas supply to your home.
  • Call for help: Dial emergency services and explain the situation. Don’t waste time, every second counts.
  • Seek medical attention: Even if you feel somewhat recovered, get checked out by a medical professional. Carbon monoxide poisoning can have delayed effects, and early intervention is crucial.

4. Prevention is key: Minimise the risk of carbon monoxide leaks

Knowledge is power, and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce your risk:

  • Annual gas heater servicing: Schedule regular maintenance and safety checks for your gas heater by a qualified professional.
  • Proper ventilation: Ensure your gas appliances have adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide.
  • Never use gas appliances in unventilated spaces: Avoid using generators, grills, or other gas-powered equipment indoors or in enclosed spaces.
  • Educate others: Share this information with your family and friends to raise awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide.

6. Professional touch: When in doubt, call the experts

Sometimes, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. If you have any doubts about the safety or performance of your gas heater, don’t hesitate to seek help from qualified gas fitters. Attempting DIY repairs on gas appliances poses risks and may have legal implications. Ensure the safety of your home and loved ones by relying on the expertise of professionals.

Conclusion: Prioritise safety for a comfortable summer

As you prepare for the warmer months, don’t overlook the importance of essential safety checks for your gas heater. By implementing these tips, you’re taking proactive steps to maintain your gas heater in good working order, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for your household. Prioritise safety, stay vigilant, and enjoy a worry-free summer with your gas heater.

