Take a Look at Google Buildpacks

Do you know Google Buildpacks? Compare it with the general version.

Stefanie Lai
The Startup


Since being included in the CNCF Sandbox Project at the end of 2019, Buildpacks¹ has become a shortcut for more people to get rid of the cumbersome Dockerfile. Indeed, Dockerfile sucks!

It is only built every time the project starts and then followed by ordinary templates, and many people would often forget how to write a reasonable Dockerfile. With the need to spend more time reviewing the Best Practice manual or search online, a twenty-minute job extends to two hours or more because of the unskillfulness or tiny mistakes.

Why We Need Buildpacks?

If you have already known or used Buildpacks, maybe this paragraph is not necessary for you, and please skip to the next section.

These problems will always bother you as long as you write Dockerfile.

  • DRY principle. When we write similar Dockerfile repeatedly, DRY is broken.
  • Triviality. Different languages and different environments require different Dockerfiles, which kills our pitiful hair.👩‍🦲
  • Security. When you search for vulnerable Dockerfile in Google, you find so much information that makes you wonder if you get your Dockerfiles right, and even the titles may scare you away.

