How to do CICD with Circleci and ArgoCD

Laks Narasimman
3 min readDec 20, 2023


All credits to Piyush for his 10-weeksofCloudOps Challenge. This article will try to walk through a CICD model using some of the top dev ops tools in the market

Tools/technology used:

  1. AWS Cloud services: 26 different services have been used, to name a few EKS(Kubernetes cluster), NAT Gateway, Application load balancer etc.,
  2. Terraform: As there are 26 AWS services to be created, Infrastructure as code is used for convenience
  3. Visual Studio integrated with GitHub
  4. Docker hub: Web-based is in use to push and pull the docker image
  5. CircleCI: This is one of the emerging Continuous Integration tools in the market and you can get documentation here ->
  6. ArgoCD: This is one of the most powerful Continuous Delivery tools in the market for Kubernetes
  7. EKS: Elastic Kubernetes Service from AWS →
Flow chart on how this model works

Use can refer the GitHub repos below to get the codes:

Follow the above video to finish the project.

Once the AWS resources are created using Terraform, begin your CI journey with CircleCI by following the video

Unsuccessful attempt of CircleCI when it tries to push a docker image to the hub.docker
Successful Docker image push from GitHub->CircleCI->DockerHub
Docker Image in docker hub
Successful installation of Kuebernets and it’s nodes
multiple namespaces and the pods running on argocd namespace in EKS
EKS cluster snippet
ArgoCD + CircleCI integration is done, Pods health check is in progress and visible in ArgoCD localhost:8080
Pods and their status from ArgoCD URL
Pods in myapp and argocd namespace
React JS application Page taking input “eek5” post Docker implementation in EKS pods
Highlighting a code change from TODO LIST to TODO List for Lakshmi
Snippet how seamlessly this change has been delivered using CircleCI and ArgoCD
LatestDocker images from hub.docker

