So many problems in my life! Why me? :(

uWaterloo Voice
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2016


“After all, we are just another uncertainty in this infinite singularity. Our problems aren’t permanent either. Close your eyes, take a deep breath & enjoy the ride” - My perception

For a child, buying an ice cream is a problem. For a teen, getting a good grade is a problem. For a married man, paying his bills is a problem. Problems don’t come in sizes. They just vary from time to time, place to place & person to person based on one’s own perceptions.

So next time when you ask “Why me?” I want you to remember one thing, “You are not alone, everyone has their own share of problems”.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “problem”? If it sounds negative to you it is probably because you have been brought up to believe that problems are bad to life. They aren’t. They are indeed opportunities to grow. If you think life gives problems only to you then how privileged you must be. Because a lot of people who had to deal with problems earlier went onto become stars and celebrities. In that context, Life always chooses you to become a star instead of others.

If you still think you don’t want problems in life then for a moment lets erase all the problems in your life. What do you think would happen?
I bet you’d regret not having an adventurous life. Probably you would end up living your life bored of…



uWaterloo Voice

UWaterloo CS Research Grad. I contemplate the science behind engineering, the reason behind existence, the distance beyond our eyes.