Become the greatest in your bloodline

Achieve greatness and become the greatest person your bloodline has ever seen.

Lakshay Kamra
6 min readAug 2, 2023

Table of Contents

  • It’s your choice
  • Generating generational wealth
  • The Mindset
  • Conclusion

Making your parents proud, saying to your Father that “Now you can rest, I will take over the family.” Saying to your parents while buying something that the price does not matter. Give your parents the most comfortable life they ever had

Doesn’t all this sound like a dream as a child, and making them true is heaven. I keep telling people that your child self dreams for you and making these dream true is the responsibility of your older self.

Today there is no excuse for making money, even the children of age 14–18 are also generating generational wealth. Almost everything is available for free today and anybody can start any business as making a full time business is not that difficult in 2023. You just need a laptop and a wifi connection.

It’s your choice

Okay, so let’s start with this that you are a child aged 18 years. This is the time when you have 2 choices :

  • You adopt the path to make your parents proud, generate generational wealth and improve yourself.
  • You have all the fun in the young age when you have the most energy and waste all that energy and become a simp who goes after girls and has 5–6 girlfriends.

Everyone knows that one must choose the first option but only a few choose that one as it is the hardest and only known path to living a better life.

Everyone knows what to do but still do the opposite. This is how lazy mankind is. That is why AI has been developed, to make people more and more lazy, get used to AI and eventually doing no task on their own. And on the other hand if the population is lazy, the people who are higher from you will gain profit because you become trapped in the rat race and follow others. First become lazy and then living the hardest life. This is what you have been programmed from the time when you were a baby.

First start going to school, learn things that you never will be needing in life and then enjoy your youth as these are the days to enjoy and then lead a hard life. This is the rat race or the matrix.

Instead go to school for only 4–5 years so that you gain some sense of the world and learn to speak, write and do things, get some common sense. And then instead of wasting your time on school, start doing things that make you money, and then generate more and more money, become a millionaire, live life on your terms.

Generating generational wealth

Okay, in order to achieve the bigger dreams you must work with a bigger heart and embrace the obstacles, hardships and anything that comes in your way with a strong will. Not only this will help you become successful but also improve your life in many areas. If you are determined towards your goal you will not realize that there are any risks, obstacles, hardships involved in your life, that you even overcame without even realizing it.

In order to generate generational wealth you should find a way to make money. In 2023, the most popular ways to make money online with your laptop are :

  • Trading — involves investing — it means buying stocks, currency like Bitcoin and then selling it when it’s price goes higher.
  • SaaS — involves investing — It means making a software and selling it as a service to others on a subscription bases like Notion and High Level.
  • Starting a theme page on any social network — doesn’t involves investing — this means generating a lot of loyal audience and then making money by various methods like selling products, affiliate links.
  • Dropshipping — Involves investing — this means starting a store online by not even building a product, but by finding a product, finding a supplier for it and putting them on your store. Tradelle is an all-in-one software for this.
  • Social Media Marketing Agency — Involves investing — it means signing with a client who is a business owner and then marketing their business properly to get customers and leads for them.
  • Freelancing — Doesn’t involve investing — it means making a portfolio signing with a client and then offering them your skill. You can easily start it on Freelancer, Fiverr, or Upwork.

Choosing a side hustle is difficult, especially when you are a choosy one, this article mentions almost 35 side hustles and almost half of them can be started without investment.

The Mindset

The people who have achieved greatness are the people who have achieved a great mindset. This is the thing that every person on this earth must understand, that the people who will develop their mindset today will be happy tomorrow and the people who will not will pay off later.

Develop a mindset that helps you become successful.

First start off with not making excuses, then later eliminate procrastination(laziness to do a work, delaying a task), then stay disciplined and consistent, having self control, then learning a fighting skill because as a person one must know how to fight, then remain calm in every situation, become fearless, never copy anyone but learn from everyone, over confidence kills a person. Implement these things in your life, these can become your greatest life lessons.

Also, experience is your biggest asset. The more you experience, the more you develop. So experience in your life, learn more and more things, gain more knowledge from books.

Improve your mindset with this blog, it gives you some tips to start improving your mindset:

Work on you Attitude

As becoming the greatest in your bloodline is not that easy but still many people have done it and you can too. In order to do this you must work on your attitude. Working on your attitude means how you react to different things and how you react on disrespect ?, how do you respond to problems in your life ?, how do you face obstacles ?

The one and necessary answer for this is having an attitude that lets you have hope and always see the positive, that lets you have guts to face challenges and say “let them come, I’m also not a 3 year child, I can face them”. When you face problems you always remain calm and positive and don’t become panic. You always say “I will get through it, and I will never give up, and when I get through it the people will be surprised to see your success. You have great communication skills. The greatest tip to develop communication skills is experimenting, talk to other people and experiment which is the best way to start a conversation, end it or even control it.

Always remember developing a better attitude towards others is essential. But when you develop a great mindset, only then you can develop a better attitude.


In order to become the greatest person your bloodline has ever seen you must develop yourself. You must work day and night without looking at the time to achieve greatness.

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Become the greatest person in your bloodline !

Achieve greatness !



Lakshay Kamra

A self improvement addict | Sharing everything I have learnt in 1 year of improving myself | Helping you avoid the mistakes that I made in my journey.