Do this and you’ll be happy again : Sharing my own journey

The 3 things that I did in order to be happy again.

Lakshay Kamra
4 min readSep 22, 2023

You’re not a living a life until you are happy.

So let’s grant you a fulfilled life and make you happy.

Just stay Tuned !

I expected less and worked more

I was lazy, I expected too much by just working 1–2 hours a day and this later fueled my sadness.

I know expecting results is what pushes you forward and allows you to do so much hard work. But if you just keep expecting on the positive ones, then you are the one pushing yourself into the grave of a miser life.

Just imagine, your expectations are higher than the work you put in. You will surely not be able to fulfill those expectations and this will only result in more misery. So here are 2 things you can do with your expectations if you wanna remain happy :

  1. You need to work harder than you expect
  2. Keep those worst circumstances in the back of your mind and keep those positive ones in the front. Keep the proportion of positive ones more than negative ones.

Okay, so listen closely !

The more you work hard the more you achieve and that is why if you work hard and lower your expectations a bit, then think about how happy you will be when you make progress.

As for those positive expectations.

They just keep you happy until you have achieved it.

And recall what happens when you don’t achieve it, then the positive ones serve as a main root of sadness in your mind. So at that time the negative thoughts in your mind will hold you up and save you from failure.

So keep those negative thoughts in the corner of your mind.

I stopped people pleasing

This was the first character development I ever did in order to be happy.

So, I was a brokie because I didn’t know how to say no and make myself my first priority and live with full freedom. But after months of people pleasing, I realized that people just gave me a brutal answer even after they owe so much to me for my favors. And that was the day when I stopped being nice to those shitty people and decided to make myself my first priority.

Every time I said no and did what I want, I just added some more to my happiness.

And this just resulted in more and more happiness.

So in order to be happy, you need to stop pleasing people and just start living with full freedom and take actions upon what you wanna do with your time.

I impressed myself everyday

So, in order to improve, one must get past his expectations everyday. And I did the same.

It not only helped me improve myself but also made me happy at the end of the day.

Every time I took a step towards improvement, I would get that smile on my face after that. If I had to say, of all the three tips I have given you, this one worked the best.

Impressing myself daily made me happy, it made me improve and also made me addicted to hard work as I saw progress.

The three pack combo benefits of it just pulled me towards it and I started doing it consistently and as of the result, I am living happily and rarely feel sad on anything.

You need to be fulfilled in order to be happy. Fulfill everything that makes you happy and just take that smile on your face for granted.

Be happy !

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Lakshay Kamra

A self improvement addict | Sharing everything I have learnt in 1 year of improving myself | Helping you avoid the mistakes that I made in my journey.