Decoding The Art of Millennial Expression

Laksh Fomra
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2017

The internet has transcended human boundaries — a revolution that changed the course for human expression. But as we fumble along, growing up in this technology enabled world our most natural connections have begun to feel rather virtual.

Most would argue that Millennials value self-expression, but is expression as powerful as it was? It’s a mere message, a status, a picture, a caption. It’s well and truly confined inside your phone.

Expression is valued as long as it’s Effortless.

We’ve turned into bi-polar beings. Our digital personality might be emphatic, expressive and caring. Our real personality is sometimes far from it.

Tell me this, can you think of a few people around you who are uncannily expressive on text or while chatting; but rarely have the same spark when they are around you, in their existence?

The internet made things convenient, including self-expression. The digital world added flair, flavour and an all new personality that we accessed as we unlocked our phones. But in the physical world, it didn’t seem as effortless.

At 24, I am at this cusp of being millennial & old-school. I miss the occasional post-card in my letterbox, a surprise that arrives by courier or a letter (a handwritten letter) that plasters a smile on my face. And I miss being able to do that for somebody I care about. Sometimes a phone call, a text or a whatsapp forward just doesn’t cut it.

As millennials, our notion of expression has changed. A part of me absolutely loves the idea of effortless expression and more so would we really send anybody a greeting card with a profound quote anymore? But, as I grow older I realise something is amiss. Something about expressing the millennial/digital way isn’t as fulfilling.

I ache for real gratitude, real apology, real surprises. Don’t we all?

Over the last 6 weeks, I invested myself into thinking about what really is the Millennial way to express? And along the way I stumbled upon an idea that satisfies my half-millennial half-classic soul. What if there really is way to bridge the gap, and bring the spark back?

Not everybody can write you a short-story telling you how much you mean to them, and maybe you don’t have to. There is a simpler way to put that smile on somebodies face.

That is, Decoding the art of Millennial Expression.

Over the next month I am working on a project that will hopefully solve this problem in its own avatar. And while I am gearing up to go live around end of June, if anything I’ve said above resonates with you in a tiny little way, feel free to connect with me. Maybe be an early tester, a supporter or simply a listener.

It’s going to be an exciting month! :D



P.S: More unencrypted details to follow soon.

