Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out in 2019

Lakshman Bhargav
2 min readFeb 11, 2019


We are living in a world undergoing tremendous changes in everything we see, especially in digital marketing.

Digital marketing Company in Hyderabad has been flourishing from year to year without bothering if you are dealing with the small business or the larger one. You must say goodbye to some of your favourite strategies to follow the new trends in digital marketing services.

Here, we came with wonderful digital marketing trends that you need to be aware of, especially in this 2019.

Instagram Becomes Key Platform:

If you have looked back in 2018, Instagram became an integral and key platform in increasing business of digital marketing.

If you haven’t started implementing positive sides of your business, then it’s time to change your mind and setup to start the business in Instagram to stay connected with your audience.

Videos Takes Over Content:

Videos started hitting social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube over the content especially live in particular. Because large number of internet users are quite comfortable with consuming videos than on text. Even brands recognizing can only be done with videos.

Excellent Content Still Matters:

Content marketing always matters in Digital Advertising, now it is more noticed to have quality content to reach out to large number of audience to increase your business.

No matter what, quality content with specialized material for specific industries will lead to impressive results.

Hold On For Voice Searches:

Verbal interacting will take the digital marketing to another level. The best way to engaging with large number of audience is just by communicating or interacting. Thanks to google voice search, now every user is capable of finding things in an easy way.

Even voice searches are on rise, digital marketing will not be neglected they have been relying on it now, more than ever with best SEO Services.

Increase Of Visual Search Volume:

Have you ever heard about google lens? If not, keep an eye to know about these simple lens that will give you more information once you click any photo in the search engine of your choice.

Competitors are trying to jump for visual search in 2019 to draw more number of customer’s attention and serve them with the perfect product.

Influencer Marketing:

We will see rise in influencer marketing in 2019 too and you will also see tools enabling micro influencers and other things goes on increasing the demand of products and brands in the market.



Lakshman Bhargav

Laxman Bhargav, Founder of ENEW SOFT Solutions. Writes articles on Digital Marketing and its importance in business growth.