Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Insurance Agencies

Lakshman Bhargav
3 min readMay 30, 2018


None better than the common man knows the significant role of insurance and insurance agents in their lives. However, the traditional methods of marketing followed by insurance agencies are yielding dismal results in the recent years.

This leaves the agencies with no other alternative but to make a shift from traditional to digital strategies of marketing.

When every other business in the world has implemented digital marketing strategies, the insurance agencies mustn’t be left behind. Here we cover some important lessons on effective digital marketing strategies that can be implemented by the insurance agencies. The 21st century technological advancement has replaced the ‘business cards’ with the ‘websites’, ‘offline documentation’ with ‘online forms’ and ‘exaggerated details’ with ‘transparent details and testimonials’.

Some mandatory steps to excel in digital marketing of insurance agencies are as follows:-

Create a resourceful and attractive website:

A website is the foremost step in digital marketing strategies that can earn you online visibility and recognition. A good website showcasing your agencies’ aims, objectives, targets, benefits covered under different insurance schemes and other details can attract potential customers.

The website must cover the options of online buying/ordering of insurances, provide other testimonials, and must clearly contain all the options.

The best way to get a very attractive, information loaded website is to hire a professional web design agency. Such companies experience in handling websites and their development needs. They can give a professional look to your website, increasing the prospect of having more traffic. These companies not only build your websites, but are also responsible for maintaining them from time to time. The professional coding makes your site more appealing and user friendly. They even help your website to be mobile compatible, to fetch wider audience.


Your website may have the best interface, features and information. But if it doesn’t get listed in the search results, you FAIL. Therefore, your website has to be optimized using SEO techniques to attract clients to your websites. The insurance website needs to be optimized keenly as per relevant keywords and content, based on your variety of products and policies.SEO services help to get more traffic, lead and sales. SEO services help you gain online visibility and increase ROI. The SEO services have a long-term strategy to obtain the best results and continue to evolve with search engine metrics.

Thus the SEO techniques need to be carefully planned to get your website featured in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.


The insurance industry revolves around client’s trust and faith on the company. Thus it is imperative to build strong relationship with the clients — which in a way attract new potential customers in the form of referrals. And nothing better than social media marketing can help you achieve this target.

The insurance agency should make the best use of social media in targeting the audience using defined demographics. Sharing relevant content on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter helps you in reaching out to more people and earns you brand recognition.

The clients must be drawn into discussions and contests regarding voting of a product or a service.

Social media marketing serves as a two way form of communication between the client and the company- the clients can ask questions and put forth their suggestions and get directly answered by the company. This fosters trust and creates opportunity for you getting endorsed.


Pay per click (PPC) is another effective digital marketing strategy that promises to increased inflow of website traffic and better visibility in search engines for your company and services.

Google AdWords and Yahoo Adcenter provide such paid advertising services. However, it is very important to carefully list the keywords that are relevant to the insurance industry or the services you provide. Remember to add call-to-action attributes in your adverts such as free registration, get free brochure etc to lure your prospect client to click the ad and visit your website. Moreover, you must have appropriate ‘landing pages’ with relevant content and info about your products and services.



Lakshman Bhargav

Laxman Bhargav, Founder of ENEW SOFT Solutions. Writes articles on Digital Marketing and its importance in business growth.