Embracing Evolution: Leading with Inclusive Language

La Baker (She/Her)
4 min readDec 7, 2023


Hello everyone! It’s La here! Today, I want to discuss the importance of effective communication and why language plays such an important role when creating inclusive cultures in the workplace — and beyond!

Effective communication stands as a cornerstone in the architecture of any successful organization. It’s the lifeblood that ensures ideas, instructions, and feedback flow seamlessly across different levels, departments, and individuals. Good communication skills are not just about conveying messages; they are integral in building relationships, fostering trust, and facilitating collaboration. The ability to communicate effectively leads to increased efficiency, clarity of objectives, and a harmonious work environment.

Moreover, the language and words we choose in our communication carry immense power. They shape the tone of our interactions and can significantly impact the morale and engagement of team members. Inclusive, respectful, and clear language helps in creating a positive and productive workplace culture. It also plays a crucial role in avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts, ensuring that everyone feels valued and heard. The first step in appreciating the value of inclusive language is to recognize that language is not static. It’s a living, breathing entity that grows with us. From Shakespearean English to the internet slang of today, language has always been in flux. Fighting against this natural progression is like trying to hold back the tide with a sieve.

Language evolves, and so should we.

The workplace is a microcosm of the wider world, a place where diverse cultures, identities, and languages converge. Here, language plays a pivotal role in shaping experiences and perceptions. Inclusive language in the workplace is crucial across several areas, each contributing to a respectful and welcoming company culture. For example, recognizing a diverse range of holidays beyond the traditional, mainstream calendar shows respect for different cultural backgrounds and fosters a sense of belonging among all employees. Similarly, the mindful use of pronouns and names is fundamental. By honoring an individual’s chosen name and pronouns, a company demonstrates respect for personal identity, promoting a culture of acceptance and dignity. Addressing gender-diverse groups with gender-neutral language, such as using ‘they’ or ‘everyone’ instead of ‘he/she’ or ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ ensures that all members feel included, regardless of their gender identity.

Moreover, inclusive language extends to avoiding assumptions about family structures, cultural norms, or physical abilities, creating an environment where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated. Embracing inclusive language in these areas and more is not merely about political correctness; it’s a powerful tool for building a company culture rooted in empathy, respect, and equity, where every individual feels valued and heard.

The Ripple Effect of Inclusive Language

But why does this matter? Because language is powerful. It can include or exclude, uplift or demean. In the tapestry of modern workplaces, inclusive language serves as a pivotal thread, weaving together stronger employee engagement, a culture rich in respect and understanding, and enhanced team collaboration. When employees feel recognized and valued through inclusive language, their engagement soars, manifesting in higher productivity and a deeper commitment to their roles. This respect and understanding, fostered through words that acknowledge and celebrate diversity, create an environment where everyone feels safe and supported. Such an atmosphere is fertile ground for collaboration, as team members feel more comfortable sharing ideas and perspectives, knowing they will be met with respect and openness.

Neutralizing language in this context isn’t about diminishing the unique tapestry of individual differences; rather, it’s about cultivating a common ground. By adopting gender-neutral terms like ‘they,’ or referencing the “holidays,” we move beyond the binary constraints of expected norms and we instead welcome all identities into the conversation. It’s about stepping away from assumptions that can be made about a person’s background, abilities, or beliefs, which can lead to inadvertent exclusion or stereotypes. This approach to language is a conscious effort to choose words that are inclusive and representative of everyone, thus avoiding phrases or terms that may inadvertently marginalize. By doing so, the workplace becomes a mirror reflecting the diverse world we live in, where every individual, with their unique identity and experience, stands on equal footing, contributing to a harmonious and productive organizational culture.

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

We’ve all felt it at some point — the sting of being left out. Whether it’s a conversation topic that doesn’t apply to us or a meeting where our culture or identity is overlooked, these moments leave a lasting impact. They remind us of the power of words and the importance of inclusivity. The art of inclusive communication in an organization is not merely about the exchange of information or the prevention of “hurt feelings”; it’s about creating a shared understanding and a cohesive community through the thoughtful use of language and expression.

In conclusion, the journey to using inclusive language is ongoing. It’s about being considerate, open to correction, and willing to re-learn. Mistakes will happen, but it’s in these moments that growth occurs. Let’s embrace this evolution of language and, in doing so, create workplaces that are truly inclusive, respectful, and culturally aware.

