Money has evolved through many stages, and the current era is the period of digitalization

3 min readNov 30, 2023


When compared to other valuable assets, investing in gold has long been shown to be a safe bet with little risk. Even the value of world currencies depends on the foreign reserves of this priceless metal deposited with the World Bank. Gold is more extensively used as a standard of currency than fresh precious monuments like diamonds, even though the ultimate is slightly more precious. This is because diamonds are harder to come in and have a lower value than gold.

This composition will bandy my opinion of a blockchain design called Digital Gold that’s digitizing gold by fusing it with crypto means.

Money has evolved through many stages, and the current era is the period of digitalization, which has also digitalized money. Gold shouldn’t be excluded from this trend. This is why I’m writing this article.

As we all know, blockchain has demonstrated that it’s one of the slice-edge ideas on the request that’s intended to disrupt nearly every assiduity. One of the advantages of blockchain technology is the emergence of new decentralized payment and investment systems, which have resulted in the creation of multitudinous crypto means similar to Bitcoin and numerous others. Still, as I preliminarily stated, the focus of this post will be on digital gold rather than any other crypto.

A cryptocurrency token called “Digital Gold” has a value that is exactly equal to that of actual, physical gold. One digital coin costs the same as one gram of genuine gold. Here, this is clearly described.

High volatility is one of the flaws in cryptocurrencies that critics constantly point out, and this has prevented them from being widely embraced as a medium of exchange as they ought to be. However, with digital gold, which is directly comparable to gold and is a reliable, tangible real asset, the problem of volatility will be easily resolved. This has already happened with some stablecoins, like USDT, TUSD, and many more.


1 token equals 1 gram of 99.99% pure gold. All of the gold tokens, as I’ve already stated, are backed by genuine physical gold that is kept in a highly safe gold vault. Everybody online can check the vault’s audit in real-time. The Ethereum blockchain’s ERC20 token has a fixed supply that is equal to the number of gold bars kept in the vault.

  • Strong Liquidity

The token’s creator firm is a liquidity provider that aids in the purchase and sale of substantial quantities of the tokens at prices that are extremely close to market value.

On the project’s official website or affiliated cryptocurrency exchanges, the token holder can easily sell their token or even purchase more.

  • Free Transfers

Due to the lack of transaction costs while using the gold token, even if you make many payments, many people will be keen to incorporate the token into their daily lives or regular business dealings.

  • Low Price

When seeking to invest in gold, having or holding a gold token that is backed by actual, physical gold is a preferable option because it is far less expensive than doing so.

  • Secure

As I have stated, the gold tokens are backed by actual, verifiable gold. The amount of tokens in real-time is also equal to the quantity of gold bars that are kept. Due to the decentralized nature of this incredible blockchain innovation, all transfers on the site are irreversible, and nobody can limit or block their account.

  • Privacy

Before purchasing a gold token that is backed by actual gold, you are not required to reveal your identity. When attempting to purchase gold, this is not possible since you must first expose your name. This makes it unattractive to people who aren’t prepared to reveal their identities, but with gold coins, all they must do is offer their EC20 wallet address to purchase it.


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