3 min readMar 29, 2022


Concerning the business:

Werenode SAS could be a France-based firm founded in 2018 by a group of talented engineers with extensive experience in electric vehicle charging systems, Blockchain technology, payment solutions, and other areas. The company’s mission is to change the way energy units are charged by providing Blockchain-based energy unit charging solutions to organisations in the energy unit industry. The company plans to raise funds by holding an initial coin offering (ICO) for its WRC token, which will be used to develop and implement improved energy unit charging solutions for both consumers and enterprises. Anyone can use the Werenode platform to share their electric vehicle charging station. You are rewarded when you share your own charging device with alternative energy using our mobile app and public sensible contracts Tezos. You are rewarded when you share your own charging instrument with alternative energy unit customers using our mobile app and public sensible contracts Tezos. Our platform enables a streamlined path to new energy unit services (Plug & Charge, smart Charge, V2G, green power entirely…), energy consumption/production, and energy unit charging station fleet management.

Scheme of Werenode:

Werenode is developing a system to alter the growth of the electric car charging network. ISO15118 and other new energy unit charging standards are developed for advanced alternatives such as sensible charge, sensible plug, and V2G. With the existing certificate approach and traditional admin roles, complex interface management is possible. During a localised approach, In a localised strategy, we tend to employ the blockchain to supply user and charging purpose certificates, eliminating the need for an associate admin player. This agile strategy paves the way for the uberization of charging-for-purpose operations as well as a broader and faster deployment of charging infrastructure. We’ll market our service as a companion app with primarily two possibilities. 1/ to obtain the charging of an energy unit 2/ to create your own charging purpose, allowing the user to easily share it. This software, which is already available in the app stores, may make use of the smart contracts we’ve created to provide simple payment and roaming. As a result, payment fees and owner subscriptions for services can contribute to our revenue flow.

Blockchain Technology:

Tezos is our preferred blockchain technology since it was the first to use the proof of stake algorithmic programme to reward baking (mining). As a result, it’s THE inexperienced blockchain with one of the lowest transaction costs (less than zero,001 XTZ). Furthermore, the reliability of Tezos smart contracts is frequently officially proven. Because of our partner Edukera’s pilot specialised language, even sophisticated contracts are simple to create.

Werenode’s pre-sale:

WRC tokens are on pre-sale, and you may buy them in a few simple steps. The first step is to create an account on the website; the second is to complete KYC; and finally, the third step is to obtain a token for BTC, BNB, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies. It’s currently a Tezos token, however, it can be wrapped in BSC in the near future. The company chose the Tezos blockchain for a variety of reasons, including community management, security, energy efficiency, measurability, and other critical features. The speed of transactions, and thus the undeniable truth that the use of voltage will be required to charge automobiles and not deplete the miners’ ability, is of critical relevance. The cheap cost of transactions within the network, thanks to the PLoS protocol, is also a big plus.

#werecoin #werenode #WRC #EVcharging #EVriders #crypto #SharingEconomy #greentoken #ICO #tezos #bsc

Website: https://werenode.com/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/werenode

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/werenode

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/20948tdORW1hZTlk

#PROOF OF AUTHENTICATION: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5387828.msg59425855#msg59425855

Forum Username: Oncerett

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2346207

Telegram Username: @masitoni

BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xC2407EA9D252Aa6268947Ee583e521695D59cC4e

