Looking for a New Payment Company? We have good news for you

4 min readJul 23, 2018


Most of all small businesses accept and receive payments via traditional systems in which PayPal is the leading company. While people tend to love PayPal for some good reasons, Blockchain technology has enabled many companies to challenge traditional payment systems by offering cheaper and faster transactions with high security.

The payment is one of the most hardest part of the business as people have to be paid differently, depending on their location and condition. Each type of payment breeds a different type of fee. Credit Card fees, PayPal fees … the list goes on and on. Fortunately, things are changing.

It takes money to help a business grow. The key to achieving more is to integrate a payment platform that serves a global customers and offers highly secured transactions. A revolutionary Blockchain based banking platform that is well on its way to beat all traditional payment systems is Cashaa.

Cashaa delivers crucial parts of the payment system and without these parts, your business likely is not going to grow.

1. Low cost

Nobody wants to pay fees in this world and since Cashaa’s platform is based on Blockchain, it can offer almost fee free payment. Therefore, you will get:

  • A guarantee,
  • No hidden fees,
  • No per transaction cost.

2. Reliability

PC hacking and security violation remains a steady danger to the modern entrepreneur. The threat of invasion is real. Different financial institutions, regulations, currencies, tax systems add to payment data a risk and disarray which could eventually cause misrepresentation and data breaches.

Luckily as a superior banking platform, the Cahaa team is devoted to getting and constructing an industry-leading foundation with an improved layer of Blockchain innovation. Cashaa systems are build to recognize fraud, verify devices, and with card management tools it will give you complete control.

3. Global

As a company finding the clients abroad is only the initial step but for many entrepreneurs finding an inexpensive and convenient way for them to pay you is the crucial step.

You need a platform that provides a worldwide payment system. If you’re looking to accept payments in various currencies, or you have plans to grow your business universally, make sure you have a strong understanding of the global payment capabilities of your platform.

A global payments can be made via Cashaa quickly, conveniently and securely with just the tap of a button. By using the Cashaa banking platform you can significantly lessen the costs of worldwide money transfer by taking out intermediaries, including like agents or banks. Remember that any fees do increases the cost of your product.


Cashaa is an amazing banking platform that allows you to immediately have access to funds for your business, you save money on transaction fees by eliminating third parties, and you don’t have to buy an expensive POS (Point of Sale) system. Furthermore, this platform provides access to real-time data and helps you maintain a competitive edge, and most importantly, it improves the customer experience since you’re providing fast and secure payment methods. Instead of inserting a card into an EMV terminal (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa), you can just swipe and go, which saves you a lot of time. There’s unquestionably no excuse not to join Cashaa. After you’ve done your first payment you’ll understand there’s no other platform that is as user friendly, fast and secure as Cashaa. Once you’ve used it you will want to come back and do it all over again!

If you haven’t done so already, start using Cashaa today!

Learn more:

Medium: medium.com/cashaa
Reddit: reddit.com/r/Cashaa/
Facebook: facebook.com/cashaaLtd/
Telegram chat: t.me/CashaaLtd
Twitter: twitter.com/cashaaltd

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