#haikureview: 5 - 6 - 7 - Broadway!


4 min readJun 4, 2019
The Golden Boy Himself, Joseph Corella

How, HOW did we end up having the time of our lives TWO WEEKS IN A ROW in Times Square? Taz and I have lived in New York City for 18 and 6 years, respectively, and I. never.

Well, last night was the celebration of Joseph Corella’s 5–6–7–Broadway. I arrived thinking I was going to a play about jazzercise (I am not a very good listener) but it turned out to be a launch party and 30-minute long musical theatre-themed workout, with at least 75 hyper talented Broadway dancers, singers, musical mavens, and the men of the hour: the stunningly agile and radiant Joseph Corella, and his charming husband and collaborator Jonathan. Luckily, I wore my Lululemon racing suit and sneakers, just ’cause it’s a lewk, okay?

Can I just say, I am not really a Broadway person? I love theatre, but I prefer more of the experimental, awkwardly squirm in your seat, push the boundaries of what is art, anything New Georges kind of work, and less of the showtunes and spirit fingers ilk. And yesterday afternoon, I was feeling quite frustrated with work struggles. Really, my self esteem was low.

A combination

unproductive client calls

done deals unraveled,

all learning experiences

dirty hands can take their toll.

So when I realized I was going to be dancing in a mirrored studio with a beautiful golden deer of a man and throngs of sassy jazzy pro performers, I thought “ok, you’ve got nothing to lose.”

Turns out I had everything to gain.

Joseph has been teaching these musical workout classes in Los Angeles for some time now. People leave reviews on Facebook saying that he inspires them and helps them believe in themselves. I know the power of physical activity, and am a devoted yogi and group fitness goer at the Greenpoint Crunch, but I’ve always thought of fitness as a way to keep the mind and body in sync, to turn off the over-analyzing narratives in our minds, and to gain strength and flexibility and maintain your pant size, nothing more.

But I had never taken a dance class with Joseph before, either.

The very doable 30 minute mini set involved 5 or 6 numbers that seemed to be Broadway hits. The choreography was just simple enough that a non-dancer like me could stumble along once or twice, then feel a wave of satisfaction once the moves clicked into place. There was also a great amount of thought put into incorporating challenging full-body movements into the choreography, so I knew I’d “feel it” in the morning. I was getting red in the face and sweaty, and really enjoying myself.

am i good at this?

no, but i am feeling good

it must be working

But the thing that truly blew me away, and actually emotionally moved me, was Joseph himself. He called all of us participants his “cast,” and shared each new bit of choreography with huge amounts of empathy and care for different levels of skill and ability. And his face. I was mesmerized by the way he beamed at us all so genuinely, seemed to be fueled from our leaping and bounding and bouncing around into one another. I don’t really know how I can possibly put into words how pure and golden he is, and not just because of his golden glitter top hat either.

And somehow, while I was dancing, not only did my negative thoughts evaporate through my very earnest spirit fingers and pony jumps, but I realized that Joseph’s magic was pouring into me, and must have been filling everyone else too. I found myself smiling at my reflection in the very large mirrors, and thinking, “You’re a star. You are brimming with potential. Own it and love it and be silly and be great.” We all took a bow together at the end. I felt like we’d really done something glorious together.

Afterwards, toweling off with our own commemorative golden workout towels, we enjoyed fresh veggies, edible arrangements, Health Ade Kombucha, and pure coconut water.

It was by far my healthiest night out physically, and somehow, one of the most purely spiritually uplifting workout experiences I’ve ever had.

So, thank you Joseph (and Taz for inviting me).

a bad day undone

a golden boy is spreading

love that knows no bounds

Try the workout for yourself here, and let me know what you think.

And, learn more about the experiential entertainment my company specializes in here.




Founder of Ars Poetica, in international language arts agency specializing in interactive poetry. Meet our poets: arspoetica.us