Worried about Piles? Know Everything Here

3 min readSep 10, 2022

What is Hemorrhoids ?

Hemorrhoids (or haemorrhoids), also known as piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. In their normal state, they are cushions that help with stool control. They become a disease when swollen or inflamed; Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins around your anus or the lower part of your rectum.

Types of Hemorrhoids :-

There are two types of Haemorrhoids :- External & Internal.

Internal hemorrhoids often result in painless, bright red rectal bleeding when defecating which form in the lining of your anus and lower rectum

External hemorrhoids often result in pain and swelling in the area of the anus which form under the skin around your anus.

Causes :-

While the exact cause of hemorrhoids remains unknown, a number of factors that increase pressure in the abdomen are believed to be involved. A number of factors are believed to play a role, including irregular bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea), lack of exercise, nutritional factors (low-fiber diets), increased intra-abdominal pressure (prolonged straining, ascites, an intra-abdominal mass, or pregnancy), genetics, an absence of valves within the hemorrhoidal veins, and aging.

Hemorrhoids happen when there is too much pressure on the veins around the anus. This can be caused by:

● Straining during bowel movements

● Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time

● Chronic constipation or diarrhea

● A low-fiber diet

● Weakening of the supporting tissues in your anus and rectum. This can happen with aging and pregnancy.

● Frequently lifting heavy objects

Hemorrhoids are also more common during pregnancy. During pregnancy, pressure from the fetus on the abdomen and hormonal changes cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. The birth of the baby also leads to increased intra-abdominal pressures. Pregnant women rarely need surgical treatment, as symptoms usually resolve after delivery.

Signs & Symptoms :-

With external hemorrhoids, you may have:

● Anal itching

● One or more hard, tender lumps near your anus

● Anal pain, especially when sitting

With internal hemorrhoids, you may have:

● Bleeding from your rectum — you would see bright red blood in your stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement

● Prolapse, which is a hemorrhoid that has fallen through your anal opening

Prevention: -

A number of preventative measures are recommended, including avoiding straining while attempting to defecate, avoiding constipation and diarrhea either by eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluid or by taking fiber supplements, and getting sufficient exercise. Spending less time attempting to defecate, avoiding reading while on the toilet, and losing weight for overweight persons and avoiding heavy lifting are also recommended.

You can help prevent hemorrhoids by:

● Eating foods that are high in fiber

● Taking a stool softener or a fiber supplement

● Drinking enough fluids every day

● Not straining during bowel movements

● Not sitting the toilet for long periods of time

X piles tablet reduce the pile mass and Sentinel tags in anal fissures and checks the bleeding. It has a mild laxative action. Ayurveda believes that loss of appetite, indigestion and Constipation leads to hemorrhoids. X-piles tablets possess appetizing and digestive properties. Anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of the ingredients help in quick recovery.

X piles ointment is an excellent time-tested herbal formula for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. This ointment exhibits potent antiseptic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. X piles ointment reduces the pile mass and Sentinel tags in anal fissures and checks bleeding. It helps easy defecation by providing lubrication to anal track. Anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of ingredients help quick wound healing.

To know more:

X-piles tablet

