Lamont Graham
2 min readJul 23, 2023

Ben Nevis: A Beginner’s Guide

Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the British Isles, and it is a popular challenge for hikers of all levels. However, if you are an inexperienced climber, it is important to be prepared before you attempt to climb Ben Nevis.

Here are some tips for climbing Ben Nevis as an inexperienced climber:

  1. Start early. The best time to climb Ben Nevis is early in the morning, before the crowds and the heat.
  1. Be prepared for the weather. The weather on Ben Nevis can change quickly, so be sure to check the forecast before you go and pack for all types of conditions.
  2. Wear appropriate clothing. You will need to wear sturdy hiking boots, layers of clothing, sunscreen, a hat, and gloves.
  3. Bring plenty of water and snacks. It is important to stay hydrated and fueled on your climb.
  4. Let someone know where you are going. Tell a friend or family member your plans and when you expect to be back.
  5. Take your time and enjoy the view. Climbing Ben Nevis is a challenging but rewarding experience. Savor the views and take breaks as needed.

Here are some additional tips that I wish I had known before I climbed Ben Nevis:

  • Don’t underestimate the challenge. Ben Nevis is a steep and strenuous climb, even on the main path. If you are not in good physical condition, you may want to consider hiring a guide.
  • Start with a shorter hike. If you are new to hiking, it is a good idea to start with a shorter hike and build up your experience before attempting to climb Ben Nevis.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. The terrain on Ben Nevis can be dangerous, so be sure to pay attention to where you are walking and avoid loose rocks and scree.
  • Be prepared for the altitude. Ben Nevis is over 4,400 feet high, so you may experience altitude sickness. If you start to feel lightheaded or dizzy, descend to a lower altitude immediately.

I hope these tips help you plan your climb of Ben Nevis. With proper preparation, you can enjoy a safe and rewarding experience.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful: