Whole 30 Review

Fabulous Foodie
3 min readApr 28, 2017


My thirty days is almost up and I wanted to share some of my thoughts about the experience. I have learned so much about my own body by eliminating so many of these foods. I am very sad to say that I think I am lactose intolerant. After just a few days of eliminating dairy I felt so much better. I think it’s the dairy only because I’ve gone gluten free before without the same results. This is a hard pill to swallow because I am obsessed with cheese!!! I also love milk in my coffee! Putting coconut milk in my coffee every morning has been a real drag. I don’t think I ever got used to it.

Another thing I learned is that I can run long distances without my usual go to carbs. This was a challenge trying to figure out what to eat before a run. I stuck with a lot of fruits and nuts. Rx bars were a real life saver when I needed to eat something fast before a run. I thought my runs would suffer without my usual carbs but I actually did well. This is in comparison to my runs last year, so it’s hard to know if I’ve just gained more experience or if it had to do with a change in diet. I’m curious to find out when I start in incorporate the healthy grains back in.

Lastly I learned how vital friendships are in helping you survive a rough patch, even if the rough patch only involves cutting out your favorite foods. They help to distract you from your hunger pains and cravings and even encourage you to stick with it. I think I’ve hung out more with my friends during this thirty days then I normally would and I really hope that’s something I will continue.

I still have a few days left in this journey but I have taken so much out of it already. It was nice to be free from sugar. I think this was the most important part for me. This can be hard in social situations when other people are drinking, and I won’t lie to you I have had a glass of wine when out with a friend I don’t get to see very often. I know this is not Whole30 approved but I also like to break rules. Although I would like to stick with a lot of the rules, like cutting out dairy and peanuts, I will be adding back healthy grains and beans. These are so important for someone who works out a lot and I just can’t imagine never eating them again. I’m also proud of myself for really trying something new. This is the most I’ve restricted myself in my entire life.

Hopefully the boyfriend will forgive me for all the things I said when I was hungry.



Fabulous Foodie

I love food. Pretty much more than any person or thing. This is my love letter to food.