Lululemon’s Social Media Analysis

Samantha Marie Lampertius
3 min readNov 26, 2018


The area of digital marketing that I believe is the strongest and most important factor of Lululemon’s digital strategy is social media. Of the 4.2 billion users on the internet, users spend on average 116 minutes every single day on social media. This makes it the perfect outlet for brands to push their messages to consumers. Social media consists of multiple platforms. The major outlets for Lululemon are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter & Pinterest.

Throughout each of these platforms, the brand is consistent with their images and overall message. They are always interacting with their consumers by sharing new products, events, and aiming to empower their consumer-base daily. They are incredibly dedicated to making sure their customers stay motivated via their clothing and brand community they have created. The brand is currently doing a very good job on utilizing the tools on each platform to make a uniform visual feel for viewers.

With Facebook being the number one social media platform among American adults, it has the ability to reach over two million consumers daily. Not only does Lululemon use Facebook to launch new products and create awareness for upcoming events, they are constantly responding to questions and comments in hopes of building a loyal relationship with their consumers. They provide content that is shareable among customers, as well as informational for those who seek insight in their brand. The audience that they are reaching through Facebook would be not only young adults, but also those in their later years who are still striving to be active and healthy.

On Twitter, Lululemon tends to post mainly video content, which is aiming to promote their new products being launched. This is beneficial for eliminating large descriptions of products, however, people may not stop and watch the entire video if it’s just of one simple product. The target audience that they are reaching through this platform would most likely be the young adults/college students who are aiming to live a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Lululemon’s Instagram page is dedicated to promoting products, as well as live activation events. They use Instagram Stories daily and are constantly asking for feedback on their clothing. This conversation over products will increase their user-base when followers send stories or postings to other people who may not follow their page yet. Within Instagram, they are reaching young adults/college students as well as those older generations who are active on Instagram. Their goal is to motivate and inspire customers on a daily basis.

Pinterest is a good tool for sharing graphic content. It allows the brand to share new products, as well as display unique ways to use existing ones. This social media platform can easily reach their female customers who are seeking fitness motivation, healthy tips, or active clothing options. On Pinterest, Lululemon also shares “how-to” images for different yoga workouts.

YouTube is a great way for Lululemon to show consumers that they are serious about their brand image and do in fact practice what they preach. Throughout their channel you can find guided yoga videos, new product reviews, and vlogs featuring their latest events. To increase their following on YouTube they should encourage people from Instagram or Facebook to head over to their YouTube page and take advantage of their free workout videos and yoga flows. They could even begin to film their daily yoga classes they teach in their stores before it opens to show customers all the different locations and what type of products they have.

After analyzing each individual social media outlet that Lululemon is active on, I see there are many things that have been done well, but also a few things that could be improved. For example, on Instagram I have noticed that they re-use content very frequently. Although the content is relevant, I feel as if I am constantly seeing the same thing over and over. As for Twitter, I would add more still-image content and less video. While scrolling through Twitter, not everyone will stop to watch an entire video, whereas they may be more inclined to pause while looking at a single image or a set of images. Lastly, since Pinterest and YouTube are relatively new mediums for Luluelmon, they could potentially link their pins on Pinterest and videos on YouTube to their other social media accounts to gain awareness for these less visited social media accounts.

