Major Steps of Freight Forwarding

American Lamprecht Transport
2 min readAug 9, 2019


A lot of new businesses are unclear on the role of freight forwarders. A freight forwarding company handles the shipment of goods on your behalf. They don’t ship the cargo themselves. Such companies are associated with carriers that offer shipping through different modes. An international shipping agency offering freight forwarding service usually consists of following steps in sequence.

Export Haulage: The process begins by moving the goods to the warehouse of freight forwarder. Some agencies have their own warehouse while others have tie-ups with warehouse solutions providers.

Customs Clearance (Export): The agency makes the cargo receives the clearance for leaving the country of origin. The customs brokers from the agency are well-versed with the regulations and documentation.

Origin handling: The next important step involves unloading of the goods from the warehouse. The goods are inspected by the experts and validated as per the booking documents.

Customs Clearance (Import): The customs department verifies the paperwork related to the goods. Here, too, the customs brokers apply their expertise for smooth process.

Handling of goods at destination: The agency is responsible for handling the goods after it reaches the destination. The process involves moving the goods to the warehouse.

Import haulage: The goods are finally moved from warehouse to the destination by the freight forwarding company.

This is just an overview of the steps involved in the forwarding. Each step can be further subdivided into stages that are crucial for the successful shipment.

For example, the freight forwarding company is also responsible for providing you with the essential documents. Some of these documents include:

· Export packing list

· Certificate of origin statement

· Shippers export declaration documents

· Certificates of inspection

· Bill of Lading Contract

· Commercial invoices

· Export license

Before entering into a contract, ask your freight forwarding company whether you will get these documents. Similarly, ask about the steps involved in the process of shipping in detail. This is one of the ways to gauge the willingness to help the customers.

If you are searching a reliable agency for bulk international shipping, trust American Lamprecht. For more details, visit this link:



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