BEST Cat get naked unless you are just vistiting don’t make it weird poster

HOT fashion show
4 min readSep 1, 2020


Cats are cute pets that were domesticated by humans thousands of years ago. However, there are still many interesting things about them that not everyone knows.

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In 1963, France sent Felicette, the first cat into space and safely returned to Earth. This shows the strength and endurance of the cat. Falls from a high shelf, over a refrigerator or a tree branch are probably less likely to pose a threat to their health.

The average cat sleeps two-thirds of the day, meaning a 9-year-old cat sleeps for 6 years in its lifetime.

Cats’ gray matter has some similarities with the human brain. Experts believe that cats can have emotions that are not different from humans, such as happiness, excitement, mischief, sadness, and anger.

A bite from a cat is potentially toxic and dangerous. About 40,000 Americans are bitten by cats each year.
“This is an undesirable danger. It can lead to a Pasteurella multocida infection. This is why it’s important to see a doctor after a cat bite,” said Peter Muller, a veterinarian from the Hospital. Veterinary medicine Briarcliff in Atlanta, USA, says.

Many cats bounce up to 5 times their height in just one jump.

Little Nicky is the world’s first commercially cloned cat. In 2004, it was born with DNA taken from a dead mother cat. The owner has to pay $ 50,000 to do the cloning.

Many cats that get lost, even if they are far from home, are still able to find their way back. Experts say that the above ability of cats is based on the angle of sunlight, the Earth’s magnetic field or another ability called “PSI movement”.

For families with cats both indoors and outdoors, there is nothing more convenient than having a door for pets. The person who came up with the above idea was Isaac Newton. According to many stories, while Newton was experimenting with a light in a dark room, his most precious cat “Spithead” kept opening the door and interrupting the experiment. To keep work intact and allow the cat to roam freely, Newton cut a small hole in the door and covered it with cloth. Nowadays, many households use pet doors, which are suitable for both dogs and cats.

The cat’s body has about 130,000 hairs per square inch (6.45cm2). One way to reduce the amount of cat hair loss in your home is to clean daily and vacuum regularly.

According to cat training experts, cats will know how to use the toilets if properly trained.
According to cat trainer, cats will know how to use the toilet if properly trained.

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