Interaction Flow Kit for Sketch — Created by MOBGEN

Lan Belic
Accenture Interactive Amsterdam
5 min readJan 15, 2018



DOWNLOAD INTERACTION FLOW KIT (click👏 and give us some love ❤️)

The creation of interaction flows is a big part of our process as digital product designers. After many iterations we now have a mind-bendingly fast way to do all of this in 💎Sketch.

This flow has evolved on the go, based on the needs and collaboration within the team and the products we are creating. We started out with Illustrator, which served us well. But we wanted to have all our designs, including flows, in a single file with one shared library. Limiting our files to minimum and working from the shared library improved collaboration and ensured a consistent output of the team. This is our solution ⬇️.

Introducing the ‘Interaction Flow Kit’ for 💎Sketch

We’ve created a Sketch library to help creating flows inside Sketch easier and faster. Now you can have your screens, wireframes, interaction flows and sitemaps all in one Sketch file — safe in the knowledge that everything is in sync!

The Interaction Flow Kit includes two different files. The sketch library that includes structural elements like lines and devices. Plus the template, including pre-made device flows; constructed with the help of Anima Auto Layout, with predefined margins and an easy to use structure.

The kit is categorized into four sections: Elements, Devices, Lines and Helpers. All are created as a symbol, making them easily resizable and customizable.


You can find various devices, all made as resizable symbols; allowing you to adjust the devices to fit your needs. They’re also made symmetrically with fixed margins on all sides, allowing you to resize them and align your screen to the center. Under phone category we have already prepared for you some of the most popular sizes and types for a quicker start!

Devices types and sizes


Within the Elements section, you can find different types of symbols, which you can use to indicate gestures and define logic.

Elements symbol library


Flow lines are separated into two categories: primary and secondary. They’re all made with Sketch symbols, making them easily resizable and allowing a lot of room for customization. You can choose preferred start and end symbol. For more complex lines, you can combine different types to form a desired line.

Get started

1. Install Plugins & Fonts

Metropolis (essential)
Magic Mirror 3 (essential)
Anima Layout (essential)
Runner (optional)
Select Similar Layers (optional)

2. Open your working files

3. Add Interaction Flow Kit to your Sketch Library

With Sketch libraries you can add the Interaction Flow Kit to your Sketch file without populating your symbols folder. This way you don’t need to have flows in different files anymore (Whoop!💪) — also, this helps you to keep your flows up to date and in-line with your designs.

Navigate to Sketch > Preferences > Libraries > Click ‘Add Library’ button > Search for Sketch file (mobgen-interactionflow-kit-1.2.sketch) and add as Library.

4. Create a new page (‘Flow’ maybe?)

5. Open ‘Interaction Flow Templates’ Sketch file, then copy desired flow artboard to working file

In the template file, you can find several ready-to-use flow templates, that are suitable for all devices. This also includes layouts, that are already structured to suit your needs. Elements and rows are created with Auto Layout so margins are already pre set.

Flow can be found inside folder “➡️Flow”
To add a device duplicate group “⚙️Element — Duplicate”
To add a new row duplicate group “⚙️Row — Duplicate”

➡️ = Skip group and see child
⚙️ = Editable group or layer / Duplicate
✏️ = Editable content
🔒 = Locked layer

6. Start creating flows!

The idea of the Interaction Flow Kit is to have everything combined in one single Sketch file. This can be easily achieved with a bit of help from the Magic Mirror plugin. With Magic Mirror, you can easily update all screens with one simple click.

1. Select the artboards you want included within the flow

2. In Magic Mirror sidebar check “Include in Artboards”

For updating screens you don’t need to select ‘Include in artboards’

3. Go to your Flow page and select the screen you want to put your design on

4. Select the artboard you need in the Magic Mirror sidebar

5. To update screen, select one you want to update and click update icon in Magic Miror plugin

Tip: Use Select Similar Layers plugin to select all with “⚙Screen” name

That’s all folks! Use it as you like. We hope you’re as excited as we are …

DOWNLOAD INTERACTION FLOW KIT (it’s free!, but please give a 👏👏)

I’m Lan Belic, a Designer at MOBGEN part of Accenture Interactive. I created this not only to make our own lives at MOBGEN easier, but to also hopefully do the same for you. Got any thoughts or maybe a feedback? ➡️ Give me a shout on Twitter!

