5 Steps to Better Time Management via Chunking

Lance Harvie
4 min readOct 16, 2018


Managing one’s time is a real challenge in today’s wonderful technological world.

Multitasking to do more is all the rage but does it work?

Studies show that if you increase the number of tasks you need to pay attention to, this results in bottlenecks which disrupt your ability to make decisions.

Doing two or more tasks at once usually leads to a drop in performance in at least one of them.

The brain has not evolved enough to allow for multitasking. We’re more sequential processors of information then parallel.

A smart method called “chunking” can help you manage your time more productively.

Chunking is when you group information and tasks into manageable-size chunks which can be done in a sequential order.

Here are five (5) examples of chunking applied in different situations.

1 — Make a list

List everything you need to do on paper or in a notes app.

Always start with the most important and urgent tasks which demand the most energy and time. Be sure to list everything down even the smallest task you need to do.

Revisit this list often and keep it updated by continuously adding the things that you need to do as soon as they arise. Include strategic and relationship-building activities as well as operational tasks.

Make your list comprehensible enough to give you a quick overview of your priorities.
Focusing on your primary purpose and your long-term goals can motivate you to accomplish short-term goals and tasks. By focusing on your greater goal, you can keep yourself away from stress and be inspired enough to come up with an effective action plan to achieve them.

2 — Block your Time

Break working hours into chunks of hours for specific purposes. Block time in your schedule to get tasks done and avoid interruptions of any kind during these times.

Strategically schedule to perform demanding tasks on your most productive hours of the day.

Include time for breaks and interaction with your colleagues so you can have time to collaborate or even socialize a little to recharge your batteries.

3 — Do One Task at a Time

Multi-tasking is a myth because multitasking cannot guarantee the speed and accuracy of getting a task completed well. Simultaneously doing several tasks means extra work for the brain leading to foggy focus.

Pick a single task and focus on it until it’s done. Focus can help you concentrate and produce a better outcome.

When you are working on something, avoid all kinds of interruptions and try to refrain from doing or thinking about other tasks.

Try to avoid frequent task-switching. If you think of some things that you need to do while working, write them down for later and allocate time for them.

4 — Stick to the Plan

Be disciplined and follow the schedule that you’ve set for yourself. Avoid procrastination. Give yourself a deadline for each task so can track your progress.

Start with small tasks and chunks of time. Start with a 20 to 25-minute period of continuous work followed by a 5-minute break throughout your day. Gradually increase this interval as you go.

5 — Review the results

Assess your progress based on the tasks you have accomplished often to see if you had executed the chunking method successfully.

Following these simple steps will give you these benefits:

Increased productivity
More free time
A more empowered mindset
Less stress and pressure
A feeling of achievement

Time is as valuable as money, so it’s essential to know how to manage time effectively.

Become more organised, efficient and productive by chunking your time.

If you need help sourcing good engineers or if you’re an engineer looking for new opportunities reach out to me directly at lance@runtimerec.com



Lance Harvie

Engineer @ RunTime - Engineering Recruitment — Automotive — Medical — Telecomm — Defense — M2M/IOT — Video/Audio - https://runtimerec.com