Browser storage: Local Storage, Session Storage, Cookie, IndexedDB and WebSQL

Jallen Liao
2 min readJun 8, 2020


Local Storage

  • Key-value storage that stores values as strings
  • Does not have expiration date (persistent storage) unless explicitly clear the browser using settings or Javascript
  • Up to 10MB data can be stored
  • Follow the same-origin policy, which means the Protocol(Http/Https), port and the host are the same. Only scripts of the same origin can access LocalStorge data
  • Do not send to server, for client-side usage only

Use case:

Can be use to store user-related data

localStorage.setItem(“key”, “value”)localStorage.getItem(“key”)localStorage.removeItem(“key”)

Session Storage

  • Key-value storage that stores values as strings
  • Data stored does not survive after the table/window is closed
  • Up to 10MB data can be stored
  • Follow the same-origin policy and is bound to a tab
  • Do not send to server, for clien-side usage only

Use case:
Store user-related data for one session only like language selection

sessionStorage.setItem(“key”, “value”)sessionStorage.getItem(“key”)sessionStorage.removeItem(“key”)


  • Key-value storage that stores values as string
  • Have expiration time, if no expiration time is given then the cookie will get expired at the end of the browser session.
  • Up to 4KB data can be stored
  • Send to server for every request and follow same-origin policy

Use case:

Server can get data from cookie to track session status.



  • Can store both objects and key-value pairs
  • Up to 250MB for IE
  • IndexedDB API is asynchronous, unlike loca storage and session storage. IndexedDB operations are event-driven by various events like onsuccess, onerror, oncomplete etc.
  • Follow the same-origin policy
  • Do not have expiration time (persistent storage) unless explicit deletion

Use case:

When need to store a large number of objects which is time-consuming and a lag on performance to convert to string for Local Storage every time.


  • Deprecated by W3C
  • Can be accessed using SQL statements.
  • Follow same-origin policy
  • Persistent storage unless explicit deletion

Cookie vs. Local Storage vs. Session Stroage

The major difference between Local Storage and Session Storage is that Session Storage only survives within one session, and it expires when the tab or window is closed, however Local Storage can persist mulitple sessions on web browser until explicit deletion.

For Cookie, it is sent to the server for every request, but for Local Storage and Session Storage they are only for client-side usage, not sent to the server.

In common, they all follow the same-origin policy.

